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对照 PL/SQL profiler 剖析结果

热度:410   发布时间:2016-05-05 12:02:19.0
对比 PL/SQL profiler 剖析结果

      使用PL/SQL PROFILER 剖析PL/SQL代码是快速定位PL/SQL代码段最有效的方法。在上一篇文章使用PL/SQL PROFILER 定位 PL/SQL 瓶颈代码中描述了安装PROFILER,并给出了剖析的示例。本文参照了Tom大师的代码来对比剖析前后的性能并附上其代码。



--环境[email protected]> select * from v$version where rownum<2;BANNER------------------------------------------------------------------------Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production--用于实施剖析的原过程,下面是使用字面量的过程,注意代码中包含了启用与停止profiler[email protected]> create or replace procedure binds  2  is  3   v_num number;  4  begin  5  dbms_profiler.start_profiler('binds');  6   for i in 1..100000 loop  7     v_num := dbms_random.random;  8     insert into t1 values (v_num,v_num);  9   end loop; 10  dbms_profiler.stop_profiler; 11  end; 12  /Procedure created.--用于实施剖析的原过程,下面是使用绑定量的过程,注意代码中包含了启用与停止profiler[email protected]> create or replace procedure literals  2  is  3   v_num number;  4  begin  5  dbms_profiler.start_profiler('literals');  6   for i in 1..100000 loop  7     v_num := dbms_random.random;                 8     execute immediate   9      'insert into t1 values ('||v_num||','||v_num||')'; 10   end loop; 11  dbms_profiler.stop_profiler; 12  end; 13  / Procedure created.--Author : Leshami--Blog   : http://blog.csdn.net/leshami--清除剖析表中的历史数据(每次剖析对比前执行)[email protected]> delete from plsql_profiler_data;[email protected]> delete from plsql_profiler_units;[email protected]> delete from plsql_profiler_runs;--分别执行两个不同的过程[email protected]> exec literals;[email protected]> exec binds;


[email protected]> @profsum2 rows updated.PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.======================total timeGRAND_TOTAL-----------           58.93======================total time spent on each run  RUNID RUN_COMMENT      SECS------- ----------- ---------      7 literals        53.19      8 binds            5.75======================percentage of time in each module, for each run separately  RUNID RUN_COMMENT UNIT_OWNER  UNIT_NAME           SECS PERCEN------- ----------- ----------- -------------- --------- ------      7 literals    SCOTT       LITERALS           53.19  100.0      8 binds       SCOTT       BINDS               5.75  100.0======================percentage of time in each module, summarized across runsUNIT_OWNER  UNIT_NAME           SECS PERCENTAG----------- -------------- --------- ---------SCOTT       LITERALS           53.19     90.25SCOTT       BINDS               5.75      9.75======================lines taking more than 1% of the total time, each run separate  RUNID     HSECS     PCT OWNER       UNIT_NAME       LINE# TEXT------- --------- ------- ----------- -------------- ------ ---------------------      7   5221.18    88.6 SCOTT       LITERALS            8 execute immediate      8    502.97     8.5 SCOTT       BINDS               8 insert into t1 values                                                            (v_num,v_num);      7     73.04     1.2 SCOTT       LITERALS            7 v_num :=                                                            dbms_random.random;======================most popular lines (more than 1%), summarize across all runs    HSECS     PCT UNIT_OWNER  UNIT_NAME       LINE# TEXT--------- ------- ----------- -------------- ------ ---------------------  5221.18    88.6 SCOTT       LITERALS            8 execute immediate   502.97     8.5 SCOTT       BINDS               8 insert into t1 values                                                    (v_num,v_num);    73.04     1.2 SCOTT       LITERALS            7 v_num :=                                                    dbms_random.random;PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.======================Number of lines actually executed in different units (by unit_name)UNIT_OWNER  UNIT_NAME      LINES_EXECUTED LINES_PRESENT     PCT----------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------SCOTT       LITERALS                    4             7    57.1SCOTT       BINDS                       4             7    57.1======================Number of lines actually executed for all unitsLINES_EXECUTED--------------             8======================total number of lines in all unitsLINES_PRESENT-------------           14


a、脚本profrep.sql--在执行剖析前需要先执行该脚本以准备环境(仅首次使用)Rem  Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1998, 1999. All Rights Reserved.RemRem    NAMERem      profrep.sqlRemRem    DESCRIPTIONRem      PL/SQL Profiler reporting utilitiesRemRem    NOTESRem      The reporting procedures expect server output to be set onRem      Some of the rollup functions commit the transaction.Rem-- First create the views used in the reporting package--create or replace view plsql_profiler_grand_total as  select sum(total_time) as grand_total from plsql_profiler_units;create or replace view plsql_profiler_units_cross_run as  select unit_owner, unit_name, unit_type, sum(total_time) as total_time    from plsql_profiler_units group by unit_owner, unit_name, unit_type;create or replace view plsql_profiler_lines_cross_run as  select p1.unit_owner as unit_owner, p1.unit_name as unit_name,     p1.unit_type as unit_type,     p2.line# as line#,    sum(p2.total_occur) as total_occur,    sum(p2.total_time) as total_time,     min(p2.min_time) as min_time,    max(p2.max_time) as max_time  from plsql_profiler_units p1, plsql_profiler_data p2  where p1.runid=p2.runid and p1.unit_number = p2.unit_number  group by p1.unit_owner, p1.unit_name, p1.unit_type, p2.line#;create or replace view plsql_profiler_notexec_lines as  select owner, name, type, line, text, total_occur  from all_source t1, plsql_profiler_lines_cross_run t2  where t2.total_occur = 0 and t2.unit_owner = owner    and t2.unit_name = name and t2.unit_type = type and t2.line# = line  order by line asc;create or replace package prof_report_utilities  authid current_user is  -- Routines to roll up profile information from line level to unit level  --  procedure rollup_unit(run_number IN number, unit IN number);  procedure rollup_run(run_number IN number);  procedure rollup_all_runs;  -- Routines to print a report, treating each run separately  --  procedure print_unit(run_number IN number, unit IN number);  procedure print_run(run_number IN number);  procedure print_detailed_report;  -- Routine to print a single report including information from each run  --  procedure print_summarized_report;  -- Set size of window for reports  procedure set_window_size(window_size IN pls_integer);end prof_report_utilities;/show errors;create or replacepackage body prof_report_utilities is  -- the reports print 'window' lines of source around lines with profiler  -- data, otherwise skipping lines with no data. This is useful when  -- viewing data for units with sparse profiler data.  --  window pls_integer := 10;  last_line_printed number := 999999999;  cursor c2(run number, unit number,            owner_name varchar2, unit_name varchar2, unit_type varchar2) is    select line, text, total_occur, total_time, min_time, max_time      from all_source, plsql_profiler_data      where runid (+) = run and unit_number (+) = unit        and owner = owner_name and name = unit_name and type = unit_type        and plsql_profiler_data.line# (+) = line      order by line asc;  -- c2tab contains the window of lines around any line with interesting  -- data.  type c2tab_t is table of c2%rowtype index by binary_integer;  c2tab    c2tab_t;  -- index into the window where previous row was inserted  prev_row pls_integer := 0;  procedure report_exception(which IN varchar2, reraised IN boolean) is  begin    dbms_output.new_line();    dbms_output.new_line();    dbms_output.put('======================================');    dbms_output.put_line('======================================');    dbms_output.put('Exception Number:  ');    dbms_output.put(sqlcode);    dbms_output.put(' raised in routine ' || which );    if (reraised)    then      dbms_output.put(' (Will be reraised)');    end if;    dbms_output.new_line();    dbms_output.put('======================================');    dbms_output.put_line('======================================');  end;  -- compute the total time spent executing this unit - the sum of the  -- time spent executing lines in this unit (for this run)  --  procedure rollup_unit(run_number IN number, unit IN number) is  begin        dbms_profiler.rollup_unit(run_number, unit);  exception    when others then      report_exception('Rollup_Unit', true);      raise;                      end rollup_unit;  -- rollup all units for the given run  --  procedure rollup_run(run_number IN number) is  begin        dbms_profiler.rollup_run(run_number);  exception    when others then      report_exception('Rollup_Run', true);      raise;                      end rollup_run;  procedure rollup_all_runs is     cursor crunid is       select runid from plsql_profiler_runs order by runid asc;  begin    for runidrec in crunid loop      dbms_profiler.rollup_run(runidrec.runid);    end loop crunid;  end rollup_all_runs;  --  -- Reporting functions  --  -- Format and print information on a unit  --  procedure print_unit_header(run_number IN number, unit IN number) is    cursor cuhdr(run_number number, unit number) is      select * from plsql_profiler_units         where runid = run_number and unit_number = unit;    unit_row cuhdr%rowtype;  begin    -- fetch data for the given unit    open cuhdr(run_number, unit);    fetch cuhdr into unit_row;    close cuhdr;    -- format and print the data    dbms_output.put('Unit #');    dbms_output.put(unit_row.unit_number);    dbms_output.put(': ');    dbms_output.put(unit_row.unit_owner || '.' || unit_row.unit_name);    dbms_output.put(' - Total time: ');    dbms_output.put(to_char(unit_row.total_time/1000000000, '99999.99'));    dbms_output.put_line(' seconds');  end print_unit_header;  -- Format and print information on a run  --  procedure print_run_header(run_number IN number) is    cursor crun(run_number number) is       select * from plsql_profiler_runs where runid = run_number;    runidrec crun%rowtype;  begin    open crun(run_number);    fetch crun into runidrec;    close crun;    dbms_output.new_line();    dbms_output.new_line();    dbms_output.put('===========================');    dbms_output.put('Results for run #');    dbms_output.put(runidrec.runid);    dbms_output.put(' made on ');    dbms_output.put(to_char(runidrec.run_date, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS'));    dbms_output.put_line(' =========================');    if (runidrec.run_comment is not null) then      dbms_output.put(' (');      dbms_output.put(runidrec.run_comment);      dbms_output.put(') ');    end if;    dbms_output.put('Run total time: ');    dbms_output.put(to_char(runidrec.run_total_time/1000000000, '99999.99'));    dbms_output.put_line(' seconds');    if (runidrec.run_system_info is not null) then      dbms_output.put_line(runidrec.run_system_info);    end if;  end print_run_header;       --   -- Routines for formatting and printing profiler data  --    -- Format and print one line of data and source  --  procedure print_line(line number, lcount number,                       running_total number, source varchar2) is    outline    varchar2(200);         -- temp buffer to hold output    cline      varchar2(40);          -- number of times this line was executed    total_time varchar2(40);          -- total time executing this line    ave_time   varchar2(40);          -- average time for this line    ave_nano   number;  begin    outline := to_char(line, '99G999');    -- format and store away the count and running total    if (lcount is not null) then      cline := to_char(lcount, '99G999G999');    end if;    if (running_total is not null) then      total_time := substr(to_char(running_total/1000000000), 1, 9);    end if;    -- compute average time executing this line and stash it away    if (lcount > 0) then      ave_nano := running_total/lcount;      ave_time := substr(to_char(ave_nano/1000000000), 1, 9);    end if;    -- now put together all the data, the source line and output it    --    outline := outline || ' ' || cline || '   ' ||               total_time || '  ' || ave_time || ' ';    if source is not null then       outline := rpad(outline, 55) || substr(source, 1, (length(source) - 1));    end if;    dbms_output.put_line(outline);  end print_line;  -- insert a c2 row into the window  --  procedure insert_into_window(c2row c2%rowtype) is    next_row pls_integer;  begin    next_row := mod((prev_row + 1), window);    c2tab(next_row) := c2row;    prev_row := next_row;  end insert_into_window;  -- clear out the window (for reuse later)  --  procedure clear_window is    empty_tab c2tab_t;  begin    -- throw away table    c2tab := empty_tab;    prev_row := 0;  end clear_window;  -- print the window and throw it away  --  procedure print_window(start_separator IN boolean) is    next_row  pls_integer;    iter      pls_integer;    c2row     c2%rowtype;    first_line boolean := true;    ct        number := c2tab.count;  begin    if (window <= 0) then      return;    end if;    -- compute first row    next_row := mod((prev_row + 1), window);    -- Detect the case where the window hasn't wrapped around yet    if (not c2tab.exists(next_row)) then      next_row := c2tab.next(next_row);      if (next_row is NULL) then         next_row := c2tab.first;       end if;     end if;    for iter in 1..window loop      exit when (ct <= 0);      if (c2tab.exists(next_row)) then        c2row := c2tab(next_row);        if (first_line and (last_line_printed < c2row.line-1)) then          dbms_output.put_line('.');          dbms_output.put_line('.');          dbms_output.put_line('.');        end if;        first_line := false;        print_line(c2row.line, c2row.total_occur,                   c2row.total_time, c2row.text);        last_line_printed := c2row.line;        ct := ct - 1;      end if;      next_row := mod((next_row + 1), window);    end loop;    if (not start_separator) then      last_line_printed := 999999999;    end if;    clear_window;  end print_window;    procedure print_unit(run_number number, unit number) is    cursor cuhdr(run number, unit number) is      select * from plsql_profiler_units        where runid = run and unit_number = unit;    unit_row    cuhdr%rowtype;    joined_row  c2%rowtype;    lcount      number;    -- print a trailing window after the last interesting line    print_trailing_window boolean := false;    trail_count pls_integer := 0;  begin    dbms_profiler.rollup_unit(run_number, unit);    -- fetch unit name and type information    open cuhdr(run_number, unit);    fetch cuhdr into unit_row;    close cuhdr;    -- If there was an error previously, cursor "c2" might be open    -- Close it, and ignore the error if it already was    --    begin      close c2;    exception      when others then        null;    end;        open c2(run_number, unit,            unit_row.unit_owner, unit_row.unit_name, unit_row.unit_type);    loop      fetch c2 into joined_row;      exit when c2%notfound;      lcount := joined_row.total_occur;      -- if there is interesting data at this line, print its prefix window      -- and the data itself; else stash away this line c2tab - it may get      -- printed as part of another line's window      if (lcount is not null and lcount <> 0) then        print_window (start_separator => false);        print_line(joined_row.line, joined_row.total_occur,                   joined_row.total_time, joined_row.text);        print_trailing_window := true;        trail_count := 0;      else        insert_into_window(joined_row);        -- if we are now accumulating rows after a row with data, increment        -- count of rows accumulated since last interesting row. if we have        -- accumulated a window full of data, print it out.        if (print_trailing_window) then          trail_count := trail_count + 1;          if (trail_count = window) then            print_window(start_separator => true);            print_trailing_window := false;          end if;        end if;      end if;    end loop;    close c2;    -- if the window isn't empty, print it out.    if (print_trailing_window) then      print_window(start_separator => false);      print_trailing_window := false;    end if;    clear_window;  exception    when others then      report_exception('Print_Unit', false);  end print_unit;  procedure print_run(run_number number) is    cursor cunits(run_number number) is      select unit_number from plsql_profiler_units         where runid = run_number order by unit_number asc;  begin    print_run_header(run_number);    dbms_profiler.rollup_run(run_number);    for unitrec in cunits(run_number) loop      print_unit_header(run_number, unitrec.unit_number);      print_unit(run_number, unitrec.unit_number);    end loop;  exception    when others then      report_exception('Print_Run', false);  end print_run;  procedure print_detailed_report is    cursor crunid is       select runid from plsql_profiler_runs order by runid asc;  begin    dbms_output.enable(999999);    dbms_output.put('=================================');    dbms_output.put('trace info');     dbms_output.put_line('=================================');       rollup_all_runs();    for runidrec in crunid loop      print_run(runidrec.runid);    end loop crunid;    dbms_output.new_line;    dbms_output.put('======================================');    dbms_output.put_line('======================================');  exception     when others then      report_exception('Print_Detailed_Report', false);  end print_detailed_report;  procedure print_summarized_unit(owner_name varchar2,                                  unit_name varchar2, unit_type  varchar2) is    cursor c3(uowner varchar2, uname varchar2, utype varchar2) is      select line, text, total_occur, total_time, min_time, max_time        from all_source t1, plsql_profiler_lines_cross_run t2        where owner = uowner and name = uname and type = utype           and t2.unit_owner (+) = uowner and t2.unit_name (+) = uname           and t2.unit_type (+) = utype and t2.line# (+) = line        order by line asc;    datarec c3%rowtype;    lcount  number;    -- print a trailing window after the last interesting line    print_trailing_window boolean := false;    trail_count pls_integer := 0;  begin    open c3(owner_name, unit_name, unit_type);    loop      fetch c3 into datarec;      exit when c3%notfound;      lcount := datarec.total_occur;      if (lcount is not null and lcount <> 0) then        print_window (start_separator => false);        print_line(datarec.line,                   datarec.total_occur,                   datarec.total_time,                   datarec.text);        print_trailing_window := true;        trail_count := 0;      else        insert_into_window(datarec);        -- if we are now accumulating rows after a row with data, increment        -- count of rows accumulated since last interesting row. if we have        -- accumulated a window full of data, print it out.        if (print_trailing_window) then          trail_count := trail_count + 1;          if (trail_count = window) then            print_window(start_separator => true);            print_trailing_window := false;          end if;        end if;      end if;    end loop;    close c3;    -- if the window isn't empty, print it out.    if (print_trailing_window) then      print_window(start_separator => false);      print_trailing_window := false;    end if;    clear_window;  exception    when others then      report_exception('Print_Summarized_Unit', false);  end print_summarized_unit;  procedure print_summarized_report is    cursor cunits is      select unit_owner, unit_name, unit_type      from plsql_profiler_units_cross_run      order by unit_owner, unit_name asc;  begin    rollup_all_runs();    dbms_output.enable(9999999);    dbms_output.put('================== Profiler report - all runs rolled up');    dbms_output.put_line(' ===================');    for unitrec in cunits loop      dbms_output.put('Unit ');      dbms_output.put(unitrec.unit_owner);      dbms_output.put('.');      dbms_output.put(unitrec.unit_name);      dbms_output.put_line(':');      print_summarized_unit(unitrec.unit_owner,                            unitrec.unit_name, unitrec.unit_type);      end loop;    dbms_output.new_line;    dbms_output.put('======================================');    dbms_output.put_line('======================================');  exception     when others then      report_exception('Print_Summarized_Report', false);  end print_summarized_report;  -- Set size of window for reports  procedure set_window_size(window_size IN pls_integer) is  begin    if (window_size < 0) then      window := 999999999;    else      window := window_size;    end if;  end set_window_size;end prof_report_utilities;/show errors;b、剖析报告脚本profsum.sql--file_name: profsum.sqlset echo offset linesize 5000set trimspool onset serveroutput onset termout offcolumn owner format a11column unit_name format a14column text format a21 word_wrappedcolumn runid format 999999column secs format 99999.99column hsecs format 99999.99column grand_total format 9999.99column run_comment format a11 word_wrappedcolumn line# format 99999column pct format 9999.9column unit_owner format a11spool profsum.out--Clean out rollup results, and recreate --update plsql_profiler_units set total_time = 0;execute prof_report_utilities.rollup_all_runs;prompt =prompt =prompt ====================prompt total timeselect grand_total/1000000000 as grand_totalfrom plsql_profiler_grand_total;prompt =prompt =prompt ====================prompt total time spent on each runselect runid,       substr(run_comment,1, 30) as run_comment,       run_total_time/1000000000 as secsfrom (select a.runid, sum(a.total_time) run_total_time, b.run_comment          from plsql_profiler_units a, plsql_profiler_runs b         where a.runid = b.runid group by a.runid, b.run_comment )where run_total_time > 0order by runid asc;prompt =prompt =prompt ====================prompt percentage of time in each module, for each run separatelyselect p1.runid,       substr(p2.run_comment, 1, 20) as run_comment,       p1.unit_owner,       decode(p1.unit_name, '', '<anonymous>',                    substr(p1.unit_name,1, 20)) as unit_name,       p1.total_time/1000000000 as secs,       TO_CHAR(100*p1.total_time/p2.run_total_time, '999.9') as percentagefrom plsql_profiler_units p1,       (select a.runid, sum(a.total_time) run_total_time, b.run_comment          from plsql_profiler_units a, plsql_profiler_runs b         where a.runid = b.runid group by a.runid, b.run_comment ) p2where p1.runid=p2.runid   and p1.total_time > 0   and p2.run_total_time > 0   and (p1.total_time/p2.run_total_time) >= .01order by p1.runid asc, p1.total_time desc;column secs form 99999.99prompt =prompt =prompt ====================prompt percentage of time in each module, summarized across runsselect p1.unit_owner,       decode(p1.unit_name, '', '<anonymous>', substr(p1.unit_name,1, 25)) as unit_name,       p1.total_time/1000000000 as secs,       TO_CHAR(100*p1.total_time/p2.grand_total, '99999.99') as percentagefrom plsql_profiler_units_cross_run p1,       plsql_profiler_grand_total p2order by p1.total_time DESC;prompt =prompt =prompt ====================prompt lines taking more than 1% of the total time, each run separateselect p1.runid as runid,       p1.total_time/10000000 as hsecs,        p1.total_time/p4.grand_total*100 as pct,       substr(p2.unit_owner, 1, 20) as owner,       decode(p2.unit_name, '', '<anonymous>', substr(p2.unit_name,1, 20)) as unit_name,       p1.line#,       ( select p3.text           from all_source p3          where p3.owner = p2.unit_owner and                p3.line = p1.line# and                p3.name=p2.unit_name and                p3.type not in ( 'PACKAGE', 'TYPE' )) textfrom plsql_profiler_data p1,       plsql_profiler_units p2,       plsql_profiler_grand_total p4where (p1.total_time >= p4.grand_total/100)   AND p1.runid = p2.runid   and p2.unit_number=p1.unit_numberorder by p1.total_time desc;prompt =prompt =prompt ====================prompt most popular lines (more than 1%), summarize across all runsselect p1.total_time/10000000 as hsecs,        p1.total_time/p4.grand_total*100 as pct,       substr(p1.unit_owner, 1, 20) as unit_owner,       decode(p1.unit_name, '', '<anonymous>',                 substr(p1.unit_name,1, 20)) as unit_name,       p1.line#,       ( select p3.text from all_source p3          where (p3.line = p1.line#) and                (p3.owner = p1.unit_owner) AND                (p3.name = p1.unit_name) and                (p3.type not in ( 'PACKAGE', 'TYPE' ) ) ) textfrom plsql_profiler_lines_cross_run p1,        plsql_profiler_grand_total p4where (p1.total_time >= p4.grand_total/100)order by p1.total_time desc;execute prof_report_utilities.rollup_all_runs;prompt =prompt =prompt ====================prompt Number of lines actually executed in different units (by unit_name)select p1.unit_owner,       p1.unit_name,       count( decode( p1.total_occur, 0, null, 0)) as lines_executed ,       count(p1.line#) as lines_present,       count( decode( p1.total_occur, 0, null, 0))/count(p1.line#) *100                                       as pctfrom plsql_profiler_lines_cross_run p1where (p1.unit_type in ( 'PACKAGE BODY', 'TYPE BODY',                          'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION' ) )group by p1.unit_owner, p1.unit_name;prompt =prompt =prompt ====================prompt Number of lines actually executed for all unitsselect count(p1.line#) as lines_executedfrom plsql_profiler_lines_cross_run p1where (p1.unit_type in ( 'PACKAGE BODY', 'TYPE BODY',                          'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION' ) )    AND p1.total_occur > 0;prompt =prompt =prompt ====================prompt total number of lines in all unitsselect count(p1.line#) as lines_presentfrom plsql_profiler_lines_cross_run p1where (p1.unit_type in ( 'PACKAGE BODY', 'TYPE BODY',                          'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION' ) );spool offset termout onedit profsum.outset linesize 131

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