当前位置: 代码迷 >> SQL >> 相仿存储的SQL


热度:82   发布时间:2016-05-05 11:10:04.0
declare   cursor c_Dep is       select dno,dname from dep ;        p_dNo DEP.DNO%type;  p_dName DEP.DNAME%type;    cursor c_SC(courseName varchar2,departmentNo number) is      select grade from sc where cno = (select cno from course where cname = courseName ) and sno in (select sno from student where dno = departmentNo);  p_grade sc.grade%type;    final_courseName varchar(20) := '大学物理';  avg_po number;  cnt1 number;cnt2 number;cnt3 number;    begin      DELETE FROM MSG;      open c_Dep;        loop           fetch c_Dep into p_dNo,p_dName;          exit when c_Dep%notFound;                     --先看各系的平均成绩          select avg(grade) into avg_po from sc where cno = (select cno from course where cname = final_courseName ) and sno in (select sno from student where dno = p_dNo);          cnt1 := 1;cnt2 :=2;cnt3 :=3;                    open c_SC(final_courseName,p_dNo);             loop                 fetch c_SC into p_grade;                exit when c_SC%notFound;                                                  if p_grade < 60 then cnt1 := cnt1 + 1;                   elsif p_grade>=60 and p_grade<85 then cnt2:=cnt2+1;                   else cnt3 := cnt3 + 1;                 end if;                         end loop;                       close c_SC;                    insert into msg(pcoursename,pdname,cou1,cou2,cou3,avg4) values (final_courseName,p_dName,cnt1,cnt2,cnt3,avg_po);        end loop;      close c_Dep;    end;



? ? SQL 习练体会:

? ? 1.不练习不会清楚能走到哪一步,本人遇到问题:

? ? ? ? ? 不知道一个变量的出现,首先带上类型,不论游标参数或者是开始声明的变量

? ? ? ? ? 不初始化的变量不会参与到计算中,如上面的 cnt1,cnt2,cnt3

? ? ? ? ? 记住 elsif 这个写法,还有 dbms_output.put_line();


? ? ?程序如果没有看到结果,就不应该相信自己会做出来。而这个 SQL Developer 平台,可以良好展示自己的SQL 技术。


