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热度:35   发布时间:2016-05-05 10:45:44.0

	<select id="getExchangeRecordsInPeriod" resultMap="exchangeRecordVOResultMap">		SELECT ter.*, tu.nick_name FROM t_exchange_record ter left join t_user		tu on ter.fk_anchor = tu.fk_origin_user		WHERE		1=1		<if test="userId > 0">			and fk_anchor = #{userId}		</if>		<if test="status >= 0">			and state = #{status}		</if>		<if test="start != null and end != null">			and create_date between #{start} and #{end}		</if>		order by create_date desc		limit #{offset}, #{limit}	</select>	<!-- count -->	<select id="countExchangesInPeriod" resultType="int">		SELECT count(1)		FROM t_exchange_record		WHERE 1=1		<if test="userId > 0">			and fk_anchor = #{userId}		</if>		<if test="status >= 0">			and state = #{status}		</if>		<if test="start != null and end != null">			and create_date between #{start} and #{end}		</if>	</select>

<sql id="anchorViewForPage">        and a.fk_manager_id in <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="search.managerList" open="(" separator="," close=")">#{item}</foreach>        <if test="search.nickName !=''">            and t.nick_name like CONCAT('%',#{search.nickName},'%')        </if>        <if test="search.managerId > -1">            and a.fk_manager_id = #{search.managerId}        </if>        <if test="search.userStatus>-1">            AND t.user_status = #{search.userStatus}        </if>        <if test="search.anchorType>-1">            AND a.fk_anchor_type = #{search.anchorType}        </if>        <if test="search.proxy>-1">            AND a.fk_proxy_code = #{search.proxy}        </if>        <if test="search.roomId>-1">            AND room.pk_room = #{search.roomId}        </if>        <if test="search.bank > -1">            <choose>                <when test="search.bank == 1">                    AND ( a.bank IS NULL                    OR a.bank = ""                    OR a.deposit_bank IS NULL                    OR a.deposit_bank = ""                    OR a.deposit_bank_address IS NULL                    OR a.deposit_bank_address = ""                    OR a.bank_card_number IS NULL                    OR a.id_number IS NULL                    OR a.bank_account_holder IS NULL)                </when>                <when test="search.bank == 0">                    AND ( a.bank IS NOT NULL                    AND a.bank != ""                    AND a.deposit_bank IS NOT NULL                    AND a.deposit_bank != ""                    AND a.deposit_bank_address IS NOT NULL                    AND a.deposit_bank_address != ""                    AND a.bank_card_number IS NOT NULL                    AND a.id_number IS NOT NULL                    AND a.bank_account_holder IS NOT NULL                    AND a.bank_account_holder != "")                </when>            </choose>        </if>    </sql>    <select id="getAnchorViewListByPage" resultMap="ddshowUserWithAnchorDetail">        <![CDATA[        SELECT a.*,        t.nick_name  as nick_name,        t.email,        t.mobile,        t.fk_origin_user,        t.user_status         FROM t_user AS t	    	    LEFT JOIN t_anchor_detail AS a ON t.fk_origin_user = a.fk_user            left join t_room room on t.fk_origin_user=room.fk_user                WHERE t.is_anchor = 1	    ]]>        <include refid="anchorViewForPage"/>        group by room.fk_user LIMIT #{offset},#{limit}    </select>