SQL ordered by Gets 是在内存中取数据,单位是次,是消耗CPU的主要源头,在调试SQL的时候,大部分时候都是通过它来衡量性能。下面是实际的AWR报告,相当骇人啊:
SQL ordered by Gets
- Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL statements called by the code.
- Total Buffer Gets: ###############
- Captured SQL account for 5.0% of Total
Buffer Gets | Executions | Gets per Exec | %Total | CPU Time (s) | Elapsed Time (s) | SQL Id | SQL Module | SQL Text |
1,606,380,390 | 84 | 19,123,576.07 | -0.84 | 37923.62 | 207407.54 | 78tpfukr4m00p | JDBC Thin Client | select sum(temp.MidUser) total... |
1,479,957,445 | 0 | -0.77 | 26647.48 | 43778.62 | 2mxgaus0t6pxz | JDBC Thin Client | SELECT 设备ID SBID, 设备ID SBBM, 设... | |
1,280,365,092 | 73 | 17,539,247.84 | -0.67 | 30263.02 | 159789.71 | 2qrj96dwj2xx1 | JDBC Thin Client | select sum(temp.MidUser) total... |
1,163,229,240 | 518 | 2,245,616.29 | -0.61 | 11775.72 | 30158.95 | cq0adyp396538 | JDBC Thin Client | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DM_FL_OBJ... |
465,618,308 | 261 | 1,783,978.19 | -0.24 | 11004.49 | 27015.23 | acqqmk9b7vc4a | JDBC Thin Client | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DM_FL_OBJ... |
448,728,301 | 21 | 21,368,014.33 | -0.23 | 10698.43 | 43934.26 | 24gvfb62gt1yd | JDBC Thin Client | select sum(temp.MidUser) total... |
386,047,329 | 24 | 16,085,305.38 | -0.20 | 9286.27 | 45034.84 | fx8tp01tpwgkq | JDBC Thin Client | select sum(temp.MidUser) total... |
294,571,906 | 13 | 22,659,377.38 | -0.15 | 7002.73 | 26477.59 | 383ut78zg00hq | JDBC Thin Client | select sum(temp.MidUser) total... |
274,341,527 | 14 | 19,595,823.36 | -0.14 | 6415.83 | 26625.21 | cqhbuuz14x7gh | JDBC Thin Client | select sum(temp.MidUser) total... |
176,633,305 | 10 | 17,663,330.50 | -0.09 | 4160.82 | 26360.28 | 9xc9701y82st9 | JDBC Thin Client | select sum(temp.MidUser) total... |
SQL ordered by Reads 去磁盘取数据,单位是次,如果太大,IO会导致整个数据库慢,是RAC的环境,可能会导致数据库重启。
在数据库top5的等待事件中,可以看到direct path read非常大。
Oracle 11g中_small_table_threshold参数是大表的界定,当表大小小于这个值时,就会对表进行缓存。它的值在实例启动时动态决定,一般为 2% * DB_CACHE_SIZE,单位是block。所以依据系统的情况可以固定。