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热度:39   发布时间:2016-05-05 10:21:12.0


CHAPTER 4Creating a Simple Query



The SELECT operationin SQL can be broken down into three smaller operations,

which we will referto as the SELECT statement,the SELECT expression,

and the SELECTquery.





SELECT Statement的其它关键词都比较熟悉,这儿稍微解释GROUP BYHAVING

GROUP BY—When youuse aggregate functions in the SELECT clause

to produce summaryinformation, you use the GROUP BY clause to

divide theinformation into distinct groups.Your database system uses

any column or listof columns following the GROUP BY keywords as

grouping columns.The GROUP BY clause is optional, and we’ll examine

it further inChapter 13, Grouping Data.


HAVING—The HAVINGclause filters the result of aggregate functions

in groupedinformation. It is similar to the WHERE clause in that the

HAVING keyword isfollowed by an expression that evaluates to true,

false, orunknown.You can test the expression by using standard comparison

operators, Booleanoperators, or special operators. HAVING is

also an optionalclause, and we’ll take a closer look at it in Chapter 14,

Filtering GroupedData.