在这对经常用到的一个进行分页输出或者取TOP* 的SQL进行一下说明:
1)select * from ( select rownum rn ,a.* from tablea ) where rn < 41 and rn > 19;
? 2)select * from ( select rownum rn ,a.* from table a where rownum < 41 ) where rn > 19;
? ?这两中写法,推荐第二种,两种比较而言,第二种中间加载的数据集更小,更有优势。
1)select * from (select * ,rownum rn from ( select a.* from service a order by ID )) where rn < 41 and rn > 19;
2)select * from (select * ,rownum rn from ( select a.* from service a order by ID ) where rownum < 41 ) where rn > 19;
(无排序): select a.* from tablea? where?rownum <=?10;
(有排序):select* from (select * from table a order by ID ) where rownum <=10;