在SQL SERVER 中想像写类似这样的循环该怎么办?
while(count > 0)
do something;
cout --;
set @count = (select count(*) from StockBillEntry where DocID = @DocID)
-- 遍历所有分录
while(@count > 0)
set @MateriaID = (select MaterialID from StockBillEntry where DocID = @DocID)
set @LocID = (select LocID from StockBillEntry where DocID = @DocID)
set @BachID = (select BatchNum from StockBillEntry where DocID = @DocID)
set @Duredate = (select StoragePeriod from StockBillEntry where DocID = @DocID)
set @ProductDate = (select ProductDate from StockBillEntry where DocID = @DocID)
set @GoodMove = (select LogisticCode from StockBillEntry where DocID = @DocID)
set @Amount = (select BasicQty from StockBillEntry where DocID = @DocID)
set @Money = (select PogOC from StockBillEntry where DocID = @DocID)
-- 找此记录是否存在,如果存在就更新,否则就插入
declare @Exist int
set @Exist = (select count(*) from IcInventory where AccountNO = @CompanyID and MaterialID = @MateriaID and StorehouseID = @StockHouse and LocID = @LocID and BatchNum = @BachID and StoragePeriod = @Duredate)
if(@Exist = 0)
-- 新增记录
insert into IcInventory(AccountNO ,MaterialID , StorehouseID ,LocID , BatchNum ,StoragePeriod,BasicQty,PogOC) values(@CompanyID,@MateriaID ,@StockHouse ,@LocID ,@BachID,@Duredate,@Amount,@Money)
declare @Basic decimal
declare @Cost decimal
set @Cost = (select PogOC from IcInventory where AccountNO = @CompanyID and MaterialID = @MateriaID and StorehouseID = @StockHouse and LocID = @LocID and BatchNum = @BachID and StoragePeriod = @Duredate)
set @Cost = @Cost + @Money
-- 入库
if(@OpCode = 1)
set @Cost = @Cost * @IsRed * @InOut*1
-- 出库
if(@OpCode = 2)
set @Cost = @Cost * @IsRed * @InOut*-1
set @Basic = (select BasicQty from IcInventory where AccountNO = @CompanyID and MaterialID = @MateriaID and StorehouseID = @StockHouse and LocID = @LocID and BatchNum = @BachID and StoragePeriod = @Duredate)
set @Basic = @Basic + @Amount
set @Basic = @Basic * @IsRed * @InOut