select ChannelID,ClassID,Title,count(*) from PE_Article
group by ChannelID,ClassID,Title
having count(*)> =2 and ChannelID= '1035 '
select Content,ChannelID,ClassID,Title,count(*) from PE_Article
group by Content,ChannelID,ClassID,Title
having count(*)> =2 and ChannelID= '1035 '
select substring(Content,1,4000),ChannelID,ClassID,Title,count(*) from PE_Article
group by substring(Content,1,4000),ChannelID,ClassID,Title
having count(*)> =2 and ChannelID= '1035 '
select a.Content,b.* from PE_Article a,(
select ChannelID,ClassID,Title,count(*) aou from PE_Article
group by Content,ChannelID,ClassID,Title
having count(*)> =2 and ChannelID= '1035 ')
where a.ChannelID=b.ChannelID
select a.Content,b.* from PE_Article a,(
select ChannelID,ClassID,Title,count(*) aou from PE_Article
group by Content,ChannelID,ClassID,Title
having count(*)> =2 and ChannelID= '1035 ') b
where a.ChannelID=b.ChannelID
text,ntext,image类型的列不能用于group by.
select Content=cast(Content as varchar),ChannelID,ClassID,Title,count(*) from PE_Article
group by cast(Content as varchar),ChannelID,ClassID,Title
having count(*)> =2 and ChannelID= '1035 '