- SQL code
create table 发货表(发货日 datetime,客户 varchar(10),日发货金额 numeric(12,4))goinsert 发货表 select '2007-07-01','何健铭', 77745.00 insert 发货表 select '2007-08-05','金和兴', 74120.00 insert 发货表 select '2007-08-06','李克秋', 33834.00 insert 发货表 select '2007-09-01','伦祖坤', 24055.00 gocreate table 收款表(收款日 datetime,客户 varchar(10),日收款金额 numeric(12,4))goinsert 收款表 select '2007-07-01','何健铭',77745.00 insert 收款表 select '2007-08-15','金和兴',70000.00 insert 收款表 select '2007-08-26','李克秋',33834.00 insert 收款表 select '2007-11-05','伦祖坤',20000.00 ---1select 客户,发货总额,收款总额,应收欠款,利息=(case when datediff(d,发货日,收款日) between 3 and 30 then 应收欠款*0.0085 when datediff(d,发货日,收款日) BETWEEN 30 and 44 then 应收欠款*0.001 when datediff(d,发货日,收款日) BETWEEN 45 and 60 then 应收欠款*0.00125 when datediff(d,发货日,收款日) >61 then 应收欠款*0.0015 else 0 end)from (select a.客户,max(a.发货日) as 发货日,max(b.收款日) as 收款日,发货总额 = sum(日发货金额), 收款总额 = sum(日收款金额),sum(日发货金额 - 日收款金额) as 应收欠款from 发货表 aleft join 收款表 bon a.客户 = b.客户group by a.客户) a/*客户 发货总额 收款总额 应收欠款 利息 ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 何健铭 77745.0000 77745.0000 .0000 .000000金和兴 74120.0000 70000.0000 4120.0000 35.020000李克秋 33834.0000 33834.0000 .0000 .000000伦祖坤 24055.0000 20000.0000 4055.0000 6.082500(所影响的行数为 4 行)*/----2select a.客户,发货总额 = sum(日发货金额), 收款总额 = sum(日收款金额), sum(日发货金额 - 日收款金额) as 应收欠款, 利息=sum((case when datediff(d,发货日,收款日) between 3 and 30 then 日发货金额*0.0085 when datediff(d,发货日,收款日) BETWEEN 30 and 44 then 日发货金额*0.001 when datediff(d,发货日,收款日) BETWEEN 45 and 60 then 日发货金额*0.00125 when datediff(d,发货日,收款日) >61 then 日发货金额*0.0015 else 0 end))from 发货表 aleft join 收款表 bon a.客户 = b.客户group by a.客户/*客户 发货总额 收款总额 应收欠款 利息 ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 何健铭 77745.0000 77745.0000 .0000 .000000000金和兴 74120.0000 70000.0000 4120.0000 630.020000000李克秋 33834.0000 33834.0000 .0000 287.589000000伦祖坤 24055.0000 20000.0000 4055.0000 36.082500000(所影响的行数为 4 行)*/drop table 发货表, 收款表
- SQL code
/*借老龟的数据*/create table tb_out(dt datetime,uname varchar(10),charge decimal(18,2))insert into tb_out select '2007-07-01','何健铭',77745.00 union all select '2007-08-05','金和兴',74120.00 union all select '2007-08-06','李克秋',33834.00 union all select '2007-09-01','伦祖坤',24055.00 union all select '2007-09-10','李奎' ,18000.00 union all select '2007-09-10','何健铭',28000.00 union all select '2007-09-12','何健铭',60000.00create table tb_in(dt datetime,uname varchar(10),charge decimal(18,2))insert into tb_in select '2007-07-01','何健铭',77745.00union all select '2007-08-15','金和兴',70000.00 union all select '2007-08-16','金和兴',-10000.00 union all select '2007-08-26','李克秋',33834.00 union all select '2007-11-05','伦祖坤',20000.00 union all select '2007-11-25','伦祖坤',4055.00 union all select '2007-09-15','何健铭',30000.00 union all select '2007-09-20','何健铭',30000.00 union all select '2007-09-25','何健铭',15000.00 GO/*我设发款表中同一个人,同一天,只有一笔记录。因为,若同一人同一天有多笔记录,那么对于计算利息,多笔无意义,取的仍是同一人同一天的总量。收款表同理。 当然,如果同一人,同天,同表中有多条记录,请先将数据整理为同一人一天一笔记录的结果。--------------------------SELECT * INTO #outTRUNCATE TABLE tb_outINSERT tb_out SELECT dt,uname,sum(charge) FROM #out GROUP BY dt,unameDROP TABLE #out--------------------------方法就是这样,我在语句中不再予以处理。*//*本不需要临时表,为了写语句方便,故用了临时表.有不怕烦的,自己改成一条语句.估计要打两页了.^^*/SELECT IDENTITY(int) IDI/*因为同人同表同表只有一条记录(上面已说明),所以可以区别记录,不需要用identity列,我为了写语句方便故用了identity列,其它同理*/, *,sci=(SELECT SUM(charge) FROM tb_in WHERE uname=a.uname AND dt<=a.dt) INTO #1 FROM tb_in aSELECT IDENTITY(int) IDO, *,sco=(SELECT SUM(charge) FROM tb_out WHERE uname=a.uname AND dt<=a.dt) INTO #2 FROM tb_out aSELECT IDENTITY(INT) NID , a.uname, a.dt dti,a.charge ci,b.dt dto,b.charge co,sci,sco INTO #x FROM #1 aLEFT JOIN #2 b ON (sco>=sci AND a.uname=b.uname AND 1>(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM #2 WHERE uname=b.uname AND dt<b.dt AND sco>=a.sci)) OR (sci>=sco AND a.uname=b.uname AND (SELECT sci FROM #1 WHERE uname=a.uname AND IDI=(SELECT MAX(IDI) FROM #1 WHERE IDI<a.IDI AND uname=a.uname))<sco) AND a.uname=b.uname ORDER BY a.uname,a.dtSELECT *,CASE WHEN preLeave=0 AND co<ci THEN co WHEN preLeave>0 THEN preLeave ELSE ci END 当次被拆额, (CASE WHEN preLeave=0 AND co<ci THEN co WHEN preLeave>0 THEN preLeave ELSE ci END ) * y.perc/100 利息 FROM (SELECT *,ISNULL((SELECT sci-sco FROM #x WHERE uname=a.uname AND NID=(SELECT MAX(NID) FROM #x WHERE NID<a.NID AND uname=a.uname)),0) preLeave FROM #x a) xINNER JOIN ( SELECT minSPAN=0,maxSPAN=2,perc=0 UNION ALL SELECT minSPAN=3,maxSPAN=29,perc=0.85 UNION SELECT minSPAN=30,maxSPAN=44,perc=1 UNION SELECT minSPAN=45,maxSPAN=60,perc=1.25 UNION SELECT minSPAN=61,maxSPAN=100000,perc=1.5 ) y ON DATEDIFF(dd,dto,dti) BETWEEN minSPAN AND maxSPAN/*1 何健铭 2007-07-01 00:00:00.000 77745.00 2007-07-01 00:00:00.000 77745.00 77745.00 77745.00 .00 0 2 .00 77745.00 .0000007 何健铭 2007-09-15 00:00:00.000 30000.00 2007-09-10 00:00:00.000 28000.00 107745.00 105745.00 .00 3 29 .85 28000.00 238.0000008 何健铭 2007-09-15 00:00:00.000 30000.00 2007-09-12 00:00:00.000 60000.00 107745.00 165745.00 2000.00 3 29 .85 2000.00 17.0000009 何健铭 2007-09-20 00:00:00.000 30000.00 2007-09-12 00:00:00.000 60000.00 137745.00 165745.00 -58000.00 3 29 .85 30000.00 255.00000010 何健铭 2007-09-25 00:00:00.000 15000.00 2007-09-12 00:00:00.000 60000.00 152745.00 165745.00 -28000.00 3 29 .85 15000.00 127.5000002 金和兴 2007-08-15 00:00:00.000 70000.00 2007-08-05 00:00:00.000 74120.00 70000.00 74120.00 .00 3 29 .85 70000.00 595.0000003 金和兴 2007-08-16 00:00:00.000 -10000.00 2007-08-05 00:00:00.000 74120.00 60000.00 74120.00 -4120.00 3 29 .85 -10000.00 -85.0000004 李克秋 2007-08-26 00:00:00.000 33834.00 2007-08-06 00:00:00.000 33834.00 33834.00 33834.00 .00 3 29 .85 33834.00 287.5890005 伦祖坤 2007-11-05 00:00:00.000 20000.00 2007-09-01 00:00:00.000 24055.00 20000.00 24055.00 .00 61 100000 1.50 20000.00 300.0000006 伦祖坤 2007-11-25 00:00:00.000 4055.00 2007-09-01 00:00:00.000 24055.00 24055.00 24055.00 -4055.00 61 100000 1.50 4055.00 60.825000*/GODROP TABLE tb_out,tb_in,#x,#1,#2GO