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SQL 拼接字符串解决方法

热度:102   发布时间:2016-04-27 18:02:15.0
SQL 拼接字符串
SQL code
declare @a nvarchar(50),@b nvarchar(50)set @a = ' 12:12 13:13 ',@b = ' 12:12 13:45 20:22 '

' 12:12 13:13 13:45 20:22 '


拆分成列,distinct, 再组合成行。

SQL code
declare @a nvarchar(50),@b nvarchar(50)select @a = ' 12:12 13:13 ',@b = ' 12:12 13:45 20:22 'SELECT REPLACE((SELECT DISTINCT ','+ NULLIF(substring(a.col,b.number,charindex(' ',a.col+' ',b.number)-b.number),' ') FROM (SELECT LTRIM(@[email protected]) AS col)a,master.dbo.spt_values AS bWHERE b.type='P' AND CHARINDEX(' ',' '+a.Col,b.number)=b.numberFOR XML PATH ('')),',',' ')/* 12:12 13:13 13:45 20:22*/
SQL code
declare @a nvarchar(50),@b nvarchar(50)set @a = '12:12 13:13 'set @b = '12:12 13:45 20:22 'set @b=right(@b,len(@b)-charindex(' ',@b)+1)set @[email protected][email protected]print @a---结果--12:12 13:13 13:45 20:22
SQL code
declare @a nvarchar(50),@b nvarchar(50),@c nvarchar(50)set @a = ' 12:12 13:13 'set @b = ' 12:12 13:45 20:22 'set @a = replace(ltrim(rtrim(@a)),' ',',')set @b = replace(ltrim(rtrim(@b)),' ',',')select @c = isnull(@c+',','') + cntfrom(select distinct substring(@a+',[email protected],number,charindex(',',@a+',[email protected]+',',number)-number) cnt    from master..spt_values    where [type] = 'p' and number between 0 and len(@a+',[email protected])        and substring(',[email protected]+',[email protected],number,1) = ',')tselect ' '+replace(@c,',',' ')+' '/*************---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12:12 13:13 13:45 20:22 (1 行受影响)
SQL code
/****************************************************************************************************************************************************** 合并分拆表数据 整理人:中国风(Roy) 日期:2008.06.06 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************/ --> --> (Roy)生成測試數據 if not object_id('Tab') is null     drop table Tab Go Create table Tab([Col1] int,[Col2] nvarchar(1)) Insert Tab select 1,N'a' union all select 1,N'b' union all select 1,N'c' union all select 2,N'd' union all select 2,N'e' union all select 3,N'f' Go 合并表: SQL2000用函数: go if object_id('F_Str') is not null     drop function F_Str go create function F_Str(@Col1 int) returns nvarchar(100) as begin     declare @S nvarchar(100)     select @S=isnull(@S+',','')+Col2 from Tab where [email protected]     return @S end go Select distinct Col1,Col2=dbo.F_Str(Col1) from Tab go SQL2005用XML: 方法1: select     a.Col1,Col2=stuff(b.Col2.value('/R[1]','nvarchar(max)'),1,1,'') from     (select distinct COl1 from Tab) a Cross apply     (select COl2=(select N','+Col2 from Tab where Col1=a.COl1 For XML PATH(''), ROOT('R'), TYPE))b 方法2: select     a.Col1,COl2=replace(b.Col2.value('/Tab[1]','nvarchar(max)'),char(44)+char(32),char(44)) from     (select distinct COl1 from Tab) a cross apply     (select Col2=(select COl2 from Tab  where COl1=a.COl1 FOR XML AUTO, TYPE)                 .query(' <Tab>                 {for $i in /Tab[position() <last()][email protected] return concat(string($i),",")}                 {concat("",string(/Tab[last()][email protected]))}                 </Tab>')                 )b SQL05用CTE: ;with roy as(select Col1,Col2,row=row_number()over(partition by COl1 order by COl1) from Tab) ,Roy2 as (select COl1,cast(COl2 as nvarchar(100))COl2,row from Roy where row=1 union all select a.Col1,cast(b.COl2+','+a.COl2 as nvarchar(100)),a.row from Roy a join Roy2 b on a.COl1=b.COl1 and a.row=b.row+1) select Col1,Col2 from Roy2 a where row=(select max(row) from roy where Col1=a.COl1) order by Col1 option (MAXRECURSION 0) 生成结果: /* Col1        COl2 ----------- ------------ 1          a,b,c 2          d,e 3          f (3 行受影响) */ --参考拆分表:--> --> (Roy)生成測試數據 if not object_id('Tab') is null    drop table TabGoCreate table Tab([Col1] int,[COl2] nvarchar(5))Insert Tabselect 1,N'a,b,c' union allselect 2,N'd,e' union allselect 3,N'f'Go--SQL2000用辅助表:if object_id('Tempdb..#Num') is not null    drop table #Numgoselect top 100 ID=Identity(int,1,1) into #Num from syscolumns a,syscolumns bSelect     a.Col1,COl2=substring(a.Col2,b.ID,charindex(',',a.Col2+',',b.ID)-b.ID) from     Tab a,#Num bwhere    charindex(',',','+a.Col2,b.ID)=b.ID --也可用 substring(','+a.COl2,b.ID,1)=','--2000不使用辅助表Select    a.Col1,COl2=substring(a.Col2,b.number,charindex(',',a.Col2+',',b.number)-b.number) from     Tab a join master..spt_values  b     ON B.type='p' AND B.number BETWEEN 1 AND LEN(A.col2)where     substring(','+a.COl2,b.number,1)=','SQL2005用Xml:select     a.COl1,b.Col2from     (select Col1,COl2=convert(xml,'<root><v>'+replace(COl2,',','</v><v>')+'</v></root>') from Tab)aouter apply    (select Col2=C.v.value('.','nvarchar(100)') from a.COl2.nodes('/root/v')C(v))bSQL05用CTE:;with roy as (select Col1,COl2=cast(left(Col2,charindex(',',Col2+',')-1) as nvarchar(100)),Split=cast(stuff(COl2+',',1,charindex(',',Col2+','),'') as nvarchar(100)) from Tabunion allselect Col1,COl2=cast(left(Split,charindex(',',Split)-1) as nvarchar(100)),Split= cast(stuff(Split,1,charindex(',',Split),'') as nvarchar(100)) from Roy where split>'')select COl1,COl2 from roy order by COl1 option (MAXRECURSION 0)生成结果:/*Col1        COl2----------- -----1           a1           b1           c2           d2           e3           f*/