列名1 时间
03174190188 2009-11-01 07:17:39.217
015224486575 2009-11-01 08:01:17.153
013593006926 2009-11-12 08:04:46.560
013599584239 2009-11-22 08:53:27.763
013911693526 2009-11-23 08:53:51.683
013846472440 2009-11-23 08:54:57.233
013990353697 2009-11-24 08:55:25.077
013990353697 2009-11-25 08:56:01.327
013945594843 2009-11-26 08:57:02.233
013990353697 2009-11-27 08:57:29.700
013916597421 2009-11-28 08:59:49.390
03916995857 2009-11-29 09:11:05.607
015097712001 2009-11-30 09:13:50.293
时段 2009-11-1 2009-11-2 2009-11-3 合计
00:00-01:00 0 0 0 0
01:00-02:00 0 0 0 0
02:00-03:00 0 0 0 0
03:00-04:00 0 0 0 0
04:00-05:00 0 0 0 0
05:00-06:00 0 0 0 0
06:00-07:00 0 1 1 2
07:00-08:00 1 4 4 9
08:00-09:00 11 16 13 .
09:00-10:00 11 26 13 .
10:00-11:00 12 29 25 .
11:00-12:00 6 7 11 .
12:00-13:00 4 9 2
13:00-14:00 5 10 11
14:00-15:00 13 16 23
15:00-16:00 14 5 17
16:00-17:00 10 5 18
17:00-18:00 7 3 6
18:00-19:00 7 2 5
19:00-20:00 4 0 5
20:00-21:00 5 3 0
21:00-22:00 2 0 0
22:00-23:00 2 1 0
23:00-24:00 0 0 0
合计 114 137 154 405
我希望是用sql语句就搞定的,便于扩展,但不想用临时表 或 UNION All
- SQL code
--参考这个--> 测试数据:@tabledeclare @table table([id] int,[day] varchar(10),[starttime] varchar(10),[overtime] varchar(10),[name] varchar(10))insert @tableselect 1,'20091202', '09:00','16:00','张三'declare @begdate datetime,@enddate datetimeselect @begdate = '20091129',@enddate = '20091205'select t.[date],t.[time],u.[name] into #temp from(select convert(varchar(10),dateadd(hour,number,@begdate),112) as [date],convert(varchar(10),dateadd(hour,number,@begdate),108) + '-'+convert(varchar(10),dateadd(hour,number+1,@begdate),108) as [time],null as [name]from master.dbo.spt_valueswhere type = 'P' and dateadd(hour,number,@begdate) <= dateadd(hour,18,@enddate)and convert(varchar(10),dateadd(hour,number,@begdate),108) >= '08:00'and convert(varchar(10),dateadd(hour,number,@enddate),108) <= '18:00') t left join (select convert(varchar(10),dateadd(hour,r.number,@begdate),112) as [date],convert(varchar(10),dateadd(hour,number,@begdate),108) + '-'+convert(varchar(10),dateadd(hour,number+1,@begdate),108) as [time],h.namefrom master.dbo.spt_values r ,@table h where type = 'P' and convert(varchar(10),dateadd(hour,number,@begdate),108) >= h.[starttime]and convert(varchar(10),dateadd(hour,number,@enddate),108) <= h.[overtime]and convert(varchar(10),dateadd(hour,r.number,@begdate),112) = h.[day]) uon t.[date] = u.[date] and t.[time] = u.[time]--select * from #tempdeclare @sql varchar(8000)select @sql = ''select @sql = @sql + ',max(case [date] when '+[date]+' then name else null end) as ['+ltrim(datename(weekday,[date]))+']'from (select distinct [date] from #temp) tselect @sql = 'select [time] '+ @sql + ' from #temp group by [time]'--print @sqlexec(@sql)drop table #temp
- SQL code
--------------------------------------- Author : liangCK 梁爱兰-- Comment: 小梁 爱 兰儿-- Date : 2010-01-02 16:47:10------------------------------------- --> 生成测试数据: #tbCREATE TABLE #tb(列名1 varchar(12),时间 datetime)INSERT INTO #tbSELECT '03174190188','2009-11-01 07:17:39.217' UNION ALLSELECT '015224486575','2009-11-01 08:01:17.153' UNION ALLSELECT '013593006926','2009-11-12 08:04:46.560' UNION ALLSELECT '013599584239','2009-11-22 08:53:27.763' UNION ALLSELECT '013911693526','2009-11-23 08:53:51.683' UNION ALLSELECT '013846472440','2009-11-23 08:54:57.233' UNION ALLSELECT '013990353697','2009-11-24 08:55:25.077' UNION ALLSELECT '013990353697','2009-11-25 08:56:01.327' UNION ALLSELECT '013945594843','2009-11-26 08:57:02.233' UNION ALLSELECT '013990353697','2009-11-27 08:57:29.700' UNION ALLSELECT '013916597421','2009-11-28 08:59:49.390' UNION ALLSELECT '03916995857','2009-11-29 09:11:05.607' UNION ALLSELECT '015097712001','2009-11-30 09:13:50.293'--SQL查询如下:DECLARE @minDate datetime,@maxDate datetime;SELECT @minDate = '2009-11-1',@maxDate = '2009-12-01';DECLARE @sql varchar(8000);SET @sql = '';SELECT @[email protected]+',SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day,B.时间,''' +CONVERT(varchar(10),DATEADD(day,number,@minDate),120) +''')=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [' +CONVERT(varchar(10),DATEADD(day,number,@minDate),120)+']'FROM master.dbo.spt_values WHERE type = 'P' AND DATEADD(day,number,@minDate)<[email protected];DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(4000);SET @cmd = N'SELECT ISNULL(A.时段,''合计'') AS [email protected]+', COUNT(列名1) AS 合计FROM( SELECT 时段=RIGHT(100+number,2)+'':00~''+RIGHT(100+number+1,2)+'':00'', MinDate = RIGHT(100+number,2)+'':00:00'', MaxDate = RIGHT(100+number+1,2)+'':00:00'' FROM master.dbo.spt_values WHERE type = ''P'' AND number < 24) AS A LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM #tb WHERE 时间 BETWEEN @minDate AND @maxDate) AS BON CONVERT(varchar(8),B.时间,108) >= A.MinDate AND CONVERT(varchar(8),B.时间,108) < A.MaxDateGROUP BY A.时段 WITH ROLLUP;'EXEC sp_executesql @cmd,[email protected] datetime,@maxDate datetime',@minDate,@maxDate;DROP TABLE #tb;