code1 code2 date1 stat value
2 abc 2007-5-6 最大值 15.0
2 abc 2007-5-6 最小值 1.3
2 abc 2007-5-6 平均值 8.6
4 xyz 2007-5-7 最大值 7.5
4 xyz 2007-5-7 最小值 0.3
4 xyz 2007-5-7 平均值 4.3
2 abc 2007-5-6 15.0 1.3 8.6
4 xyz 2007-5-7 7.5 0.3 4.3
create table T(code1 int, code2 varchar(100), date1 datetime, stat varchar(100), value decimal(10,2))
insert into T select 2, 'abc ', '2007-5-6 ', '最大值 ',15.0
insert into T select 2, 'abc ', '2007-5-6 ', '最小值 ',1.3
insert into T select 2, 'abc ', '2007-5-6 ', '平均值 ',8.6
insert into T select 4, 'xyz ', '2007-5-7 ', '最大值 ',7.5
insert into T select 4, 'xyz ', '2007-5-7 ', '最小值 ',0.3
insert into T select 4, 'xyz ', '2007-5-7 ', '平均值 ',4.3
select a.code1,a.code2,a.date1,a.value as 最大值,b.value as 最小值,c.value as 平均值
(select * from T where stat= '最大值 ') as a
inner join (select * from T where stat= '最小值 ') as b on a.code1=b.code1 and a.code2=b.code2 and a.date1=b.date1
inner join (select * from T where stat= '平均值 ') as c on a.code1=c.code1 and a.code2=c.code2 and a.date1=c.date1
drop table T
declare @t table(code1 int,code2 varchar(5), date1 varchar(10),stat varchar(10),value decimal(10,1))
insert @t
select 2, 'abc ', '2007-5-6 ', '最大值 ', 15.0 union all
select 2, 'abc ', '2007-5-6 ', '最小值 ', 1.3 union all
select 2, 'abc ', '2007-5-6 ', '平均值 ', 8.6 union all
select 4, 'xyz ', '2007-5-7 ', '最大值 ', 7.5 union all