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热度:67   发布时间:2016-04-27 17:21:04.0
服务器inter双核cpu,4G内存 。
这个情况朋友告诉我先弄下sql吧,从程序开始优化。用sql跟踪一下发现这样的情况,我不知道cpu reads这些是以什么为单位的,不过数值这么大肯定有问题咯

SQL code
select e.EshowName,e.id,e.IsJingTai,e.StartTime,g.ChGName,g.Id as CGId,d.Ding,d.Cai,e.zhangshangadd,(select count(1) from TEshowPic where EshowPicTypeNo=1 and TEshowNo=e.id ) as tucount from TEshow e left join TChangGuan g on e.TChangGuanno=g.id left join TDingCai d on d.ParentNo=e.id where e.id in (select e.id from (select e.id from (select top 0 e.id from TEshow e left join TChangGuan g on e.TChangGuanno=g.id left join TDingCai d on d.ParentNo=e.id where  e.IsTag=1 and e.DelTag=0 and e.TBigSortNo=1  and (d.TypeNo=1 or d.TypeNo is null) and  e.userno=1  and datediff(d,getdate(),StartTime)<=0 and e.SysCityNo=1 and e.TSmallSort like '%装备制造业%'order by e.StartTime desc,e.id desc) as e union all select * from (select top 26 e.id from TEshow e left join TChangGuan g on e.TChangGuanno=g.id left join TDingCai d on d.ParentNo=e.id where  e.IsTag=1 and e.DelTag=0 and e.TBigSortNo=1  and (d.TypeNo=1 or d.TypeNo is null) and  e.userno=1  and datediff(d,getdate(),StartTime)<=0 and e.SysCityNo=1 and e.TSmallSort like '%装备制造业%'order by e.StartTime desc,e.id desc) as b ) e group by e.id having count(e.id)=1 ) order by e.StartTime desc,e.id desc

SQL code
这么多子查询,先把子查询放在临时表里 然后再从临时表里取数据
SQL code
--这样看着累不累??select e.EshowName,e.id,e.IsJingTai,e.StartTime,g.ChGName,g.Id as CGId,d.Ding,d.Cai,e.zhangshangadd, (select count(1) from TEshowPic where EshowPicTypeNo=1 and TEshowNo=e.id ) as tucount from TEshow e left join TChangGuan g on e.TChangGuanno=g.id left join TDingCai d on d.ParentNo=e.id where e.id in (select      e.id     from       (select           e.id        from (select                 top 0 e.id              from                 TEshow e left join TChangGuan g on e.TChangGuanno=g.id left join TDingCai d on d.ParentNo=e.id              where                 e.IsTag=1 and e.DelTag=0 and e.TBigSortNo=1  and (d.TypeNo=1 or d.TypeNo is null) and  e.userno=1               and                 datediff(d,getdate(),StartTime)<=0 and e.SysCityNo=1 and e.TSmallSort like '%装备制造业%'order by e.StartTime desc,e.id desc) as e             union all             select                *               from                (select                     top 26 e.id                  from                    TEshow e                  left join                    TChangGuan g on e.TChangGuanno=g.id left join TDingCai d on d.ParentNo=e.id                  where                    e.IsTag=1 and e.DelTag=0 and e.TBigSortNo=1  and (d.TypeNo=1 or d.TypeNo is null) and  e.userno=1                   and                      datediff(d,getdate(),StartTime)<=0 and e.SysCityNo=1                  and e.TSmallSort like '%装备制造业%'order by e.StartTime desc,e.id desc) as b ) e group by    e.id having    count(e.id)=1 ) order by    e.StartTime desc,e.id desc