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T-SQL 正则表达式(CLR 实现),该怎么解决

热度:509   发布时间:2016-04-27 17:06:05.0
T-SQL 正则表达式(CLR 实现)
创建程序集 ClrRegExClass.cs,
并使用 C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\csc.exe /target:library ClrRegExClass.cs 编译为 ClrRegExClass.DLL 文件。
C# code
using System;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Data.SqlTypes;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;public partial class RegExp{// 验证字符串中是否包含与指定的匹配模式一致的字符串    [SqlFunction(IsDeterministic = true, IsPrecise = true)]    public static SqlBoolean RegExIsMatch(SqlString expression, SqlString pattern)    {        return new SqlBoolean(Regex.IsMatch(expression.ToString(), pattern.ToString()));    }// 替换字符串中与指定的匹配模式一致的字符串    [SqlFunction(IsDeterministic = true, IsPrecise = true)]    public static SqlString RegExReplace(SqlString expression, SqlString pattern, SqlString replacement)    {        return new SqlString(Regex.Replace(expression.ToString(), pattern.ToString(), replacement.ToString()));    }// 提取字符串中与指定的匹配模式一致的字符串    [SqlFunction(IsDeterministic = true, IsPrecise = true)]    public static SqlString RegExSubstring(SqlString expression, SqlString pattern, SqlInt32 position, SqlInt32 occurrence)    {        if (expression.ToString().Length < position) return new SqlString("");        if (position <= 0) position = 1;        if (occurrence <= 0) occurrence = 1;        Match m = Regex.Match(expression.ToString().Substring((int) position - 1),pattern.ToString());        for (int i = 1; i < (int)occurrence; i++)        {            m = m.NextMatch();            if (!m.Success) return new SqlString("");        }        return new SqlString(m.ToString());    }// 计算字符串中与指定的匹配模式一致的字符串的数目    [SqlFunction(IsDeterministic = true, IsPrecise = true)]    public static SqlInt32 RegExCount(SqlString expression, SqlString pattern, SqlInt32 position)    {        if (expression.ToString().Length < position) return 0;        if (position <= 0) position = 1;        MatchCollection ms = Regex.Matches(expression.ToString().Substring((int)position - 1), pattern.ToString());        return new SqlInt32(ms.Count);    }// 查找字符串中与指定的匹配模式一致的字符串的位置    [SqlFunction(IsDeterministic = true, IsPrecise = true)]    public static SqlInt32 RegExIndex(SqlString expression, SqlString pattern, SqlInt32 position, SqlInt32 occurrence)    {        if (expression.ToString().Length < position) return 0;        if (position <= 0) position = 1;        if (occurrence <= 0) occurrence = 1;        Match m = Regex.Match(expression.ToString().Substring((int)position - 1), pattern.ToString());        for (int i = 1; i < (int)occurrence; i++)        {            m = m.NextMatch();            if (!m.Success) return 0;        }        return new SqlInt32(m.Index + 1);    }}

将程序集 ClrRegExClass.DLL 导入 SQL Server,并创建相应的函数。
SQL code
// 启用 SQL Server 的 CLR 支持exec sp_configure 'clr enabled',1;goreconfigurego// 导入程序集if exists (select * from sys.assemblies where name='RegExp') drop assembly RegExp;gocreate assembly RegExp authorization dbofrom 'fullpath\ClrRegExClass.dll'with permission_set=safe;go// 创建函数// @expression 为输入的字符串;@pattern 为正则表达式;// @position 为字符串开始的位置;@occurrence 为与指定的匹配模式一致的字符串出现的次数if object_id('dbo.regex_ismatch','FS') is not null drop function dbo.regex_ismatch;gocreate function dbo.regex_ismatch(@expression nvarchar(max), @pattern nvarchar(max))returns bit with returns null on null inputas external name RegExp.RegExp.RegExIsMatch;go-- 验证字符串是否以 [server] 开头-- select dbo.regex_ismatch('[server].[database].[schema].[object]','^\[server\]');if object_id('dbo.regex_replace','FS') is not null drop function dbo.regex_replace;gocreate function dbo.regex_replace(@expression nvarchar(max), @pattern nvarchar(max), @replacement nvarchar(max))returns nvarchar(max) with returns null on null inputas external name RegExp.RegExp.RegExReplace;go-- 将字符串中 [...] 替换为 "..."-- select dbo.regex_replace('[server].[database].[schema].[object]','\[([\w]*)\]','"$1"');if object_id('dbo.regex_substring','FS') is not null drop function dbo.regex_substring;gocreate function dbo.regex_substring(@expression nvarchar(max), @pattern nvarchar(max), @position int, @occurrence int)returns nvarchar(max) with returns null on null inputas external name RegExp.RegExp.RegExSubstring;go-- 提取字符串中与 [...] 模式匹配的第二次出现的字符串-- select dbo.regex_substring('[server].[database].[schema].[object]','\[\w*\]',1,2);if object_id('dbo.regex_count','FS') is not null drop function dbo.regex_count;gocreate function dbo.regex_count(@expression nvarchar(max), @pattern nvarchar(max), @position int)returns int with returns null on null inputas external name RegExp.RegExp.RegExCount;go-- 计算字符串中与 [...] 模式匹配的字符串的数目-- select dbo.regex_count('[server].[database].[schema].[object]','\[\w*\]',1);if object_id('dbo.regex_index','FS') is not null drop function dbo.regex_index;gocreate function dbo.regex_index(@expression nvarchar(max), @pattern nvarchar(max), @position int, @occurrence int)returns int with returns null on null inputas external name RegExp.RegExp.RegExIndex;go-- 查询字符串中与 [...] 模式匹配的第二次出现的字符串开始的位置-- select dbo.regex_index('[server].[database].[schema].[object]','\[\w*\]',1,2);