declare @sql varchar(1000)
set @sql= 'insert tmp select * from (select distinct i.* from zd z,im i where (charindex(i.from,z. '[email protected]+ ')> 0 or charindex(i.to,z. '[email protected]+ ')> 0) and len(z. '[email protected]+ ')> '[email protected]+ ' and i.imtype= '[email protected]+ ') i1 where not exists(select * from imtmp i where i.ac=i1.ac and i.ime=i1.time and isnull(i.cont, ' ' ' ' ' ')=isnull(i1.cont, ' ' ' ' ' ') and i.dest=i1.dest and i.from=i1.from and i.type=i1.type and i.src=i1.src and i.to=i1.to) '
以上这段insert代码在分析器中执行一点问题都没有,但将其变为存储过程就发现字符串被截断了。调试[email protected],后面的字符都没了,怎么回事?
isnull(i.cont, ' ' ' ' ' ')=isnull(i1.cont, ' ' ' ' ' ')
这里有问题,应该是isnull(i.cont, ' ' ' ')=isnull(i1.cont, ' ' ' ')