id name class
1 aaa 1
2 bbb 1
3 ccc 2
4 ddd 2
5 eee 3
6 fff 3
现在想从每一类class里选择出一条完整的记录(取出每一类的哪条都可以,无限制),使用select * from tablei group by class 肯定是不行的,如果记录很多,我想求教一个效率高的语句或存储过程,哪位高手可以给出完整样例,在下不胜感激
select * from tablei where exists(select 1 from tablei t where t.class=class and t.id> id)
if object_id( 'pubs..tb ') is not null
drop table tb
create table tb(id int,name varchar(10),class int)
insert into tb(id,name,class) values(1, 'aaa ', 1)
insert into tb(id,name,class) values(2, 'bbb ', 1)
insert into tb(id,name,class) values(3, 'ccc ', 2)
insert into tb(id,name,class) values(4, 'ddd ', 2)
insert into tb(id,name,class) values(5, 'eee ', 3)
insert into tb(id,name,class) values(6, 'fff ', 3)
select a.* from tb a,
(select class , min(id) id from tb group by class) b
where a.class = b.class and a.id = b.id
drop table tb
id name class
----------- ---------- -----------
1 aaa 1
3 ccc 2
5 eee 3
(所影响的行数为 3 行)
tonvy(tonvy) ( ) 信誉:100 Blog 加为好友 2007-05-11 15:36:50 得分: 0
select a.* from tb a,
(select class , min(id) id from tb group by class) b
where a.class = b.class and a.id = b.id