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SQL传递参数 between 100 and 500,该怎么处理

热度:98   发布时间:2016-04-27 14:34:53.0
SQL传递参数 between 100 and 500

select par from tb_table1 where id=1;
得到par的值 between 100 and 500

怎么样把 between 100 and 500带到下面的SQL?

select * from tb_table2 where price (select par from tb_table1 where id=1)

实现类似于:select * from tb_table2 where price between 100 and 500

SQL code
select * from tb_table2 where price IN (select par from tb_table1 where id=1)
EXEC('select * from tb_table2 where price '+(select par from tb_table1 where id=1))
EXEC('select * from tb_table2 where price '+(select par from tb_table1 where id=1))

SQL code
--在where条件里用inselect * from tb_table2 where price in (select par from tb_table1 where id=1)

可以用in 也可以用法exists
select t2.* from tb_table2 t2 left join tb_table1 t1 on t2.price=t1.par where t1.id=1 and t1.parice between 100 and 500