错误号 错误源 错误内容
0x800A0E7A ADODB.Connection Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.
@sqlstr varchar(8000), --查询语句,如果查询语句中使用了order by ,请加上top 100 percent
@path nvarchar(1000), --文件存放目录
@fname nvarchar(250), --文件名
@sheetname varchar(250)='' --要创建的工作表名,默认为文件名
declare @err int,@src nvarchar(255),@desc nvarchar(255),@out int
declare @obj int,@constr nvarchar(1000),@sql varchar(8000),@fdlist varchar(8000),@tmpsql varchar(8000)
declare @sheetcount int,@sheetnow int, @recordcount int, @recordnow int
declare @sheetsql varchar(8000)--创建页的sql
declare @pagesize int
set @pagesize = 65535--sheet分页的大小
--set @pagesize = 1000
declare @SQLSTRING nvarchar(4000)
SET @SQLSTRING='EXEC xp_cmdshell ''DEL E:\NBREPORT\[email protected]+''''
execute sp_executesql @SQLSTRING
if isnull(@fname,'')='' set @fname='temp.xls'
if isnull(@sheetname,'')='' set @sheetname=replace(@fname,'.','#')
if right(@path,1)<>'\' set @[email protected]+'\'
create table #tb(a bit,b bit,c bit)
set @[email protected][email protected]
insert into #tb exec master..xp_fileexist @sql
set @[email protected][email protected]
if exists(select 1 from #tb where a=1)
set @constr='DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DSN='''';READONLY=FALSE'
+';CREATE_DB="[email protected]+'";[email protected]
set @constr='Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=YES'
+';[email protected]+'"'
exec @err=sp_OACreate 'adodb.connection',@obj out
if @err<>0 goto lberr
exec @err=sp_OAMethod @obj,'open',null,@constr
if @err<>0 goto lberr
declare @tbname sysname
set @tbname='##tmp_'+convert(varchar(38),newid())
declare @tbtmpid nvarchar(50)
set @tbtmpid ='tmp_'+convert(varchar(38),newid())+''
--有序列ID @tbtmpid的临时表
set @sql='select Identity(int,1,1) as [[email protected]+'], a.* into [[email protected]+'] from ( select top 100 percent b.* from ( [email protected]+') b) a'
set @recordcount= @@rowcount
if @recordcount=0 return
--print @recordcount
select @sql='',@fdlist=''
select @[email protected]+',['+a.name+']'
,@[email protected]+',['+a.name+'] '
when b.name like '%char'
then case when a.length>255 then 'memo'
else 'text('+cast(a.length as varchar)+')' end
when b.name like '%int' or b.name='bit' then 'int'
when b.name like '%datetime' then 'datetime'
when b.name like '%money' then 'money'
when b.name like '%text' then 'memo'
else b.name end
FROM tempdb..syscolumns a left join tempdb..systypes b on a.xtype=b.xusertype
where b.name not in('image','uniqueidentifier','sql_variant','varbinary','binary','timestamp')
and a.id=(select id from tempdb..sysobjects where [email protected])
and a.name <> @tbtmpid
set @fdlist=substring(@fdlist,2,8000)
--print @fdlist
if @@rowcount=0 return
set @sheetsql = @sql
--print @sheetsql
set @sheetcount = CEILING(@recordcount/CAST(@pagesize as float))
--print @sheetcount
IF @sheetcount = 1 BEGIN
--print '只是一个页而已'
set @sql='create table [[email protected]
exec @err=sp_OAMethod @obj,'execute',@out out,@sql
if @err<>0 goto lberr