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GROUP BY 引用外部参数的有关问题

热度:51   发布时间:2016-04-27 14:14:41.0
GROUP BY 引用外部参数的问题
SQL code
                          declare YB1 CURSOR FOR                           select count(tjs6600),tjs6605,convert(varchar(100),@temp,23)                          from tjs66                          LEFT OUTER JOIN TRS14 ON TRS1400=TJS6605                          left outer join tjs13 on tjs1300=tjs6602                          where ( @temp<tjs6604 and tjs6613<dateadd(dd,1,@temp) and tjs6613 is not null ) or                                ( @temp<tjs6604 and tjs6613 is null and tjs1319='G' and tjs6614<>6 ) or                                ( tjs6604<@temp and tjs6613<dateadd(dd,1,@temp) and tjs6612 is not null) or                                ( tjs6604<@temp and tjs6613 is null and tjs1319='G' and tjs6614<>6 )                          group by tjs6605,convert(varchar(100),@temp,23)    ----问题在这

运行时出现“每个 GROUP BY 表达式都必须包含至少一个列引用”的问题,经查得知是GROUP BY不能引用外部参数,但不使用该参数无法分组,请问如何解决?

用exec 执行字符串