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热度:16   发布时间:2016-04-27 13:41:41.0
如何将sql 2008的image格式的数据导入sql 2005的数据库

SQL code
如何使用textcopy.exe工具对SQL Server中的文本或图像数据进行导入和导出,你可以在包含标准的SQL Server可执行文件的目录中找到这个工具(SQL Server 6.5默认在c:\mssql\binn,SQL Server 7.0默认在c:\mssql7\binn)。Textcopy 工具在SQL Server的在线手册中没有介绍,不过你可以在命令行中执行textcopy /? 得到它的描述。下面是这个工具的描述:Copies a single text orimage value into or out of SQL Server. The valueis a specified text or image 'column' of a single row (specified bythe"where clause") of the specified 'table'.If the direction is IN (/I) then the data from the specified 'file' iscopied into SQL Server, replacing the existing text or image value. Ifthedirection is OUT (/O) then the text or image value is copied fromSQL Server into the specified 'file', replacing any existing file.TEXTCOPY [/S [sqlserver]] [/U [login]] [/P [password]]  [/D [database]] [/T table] [/C column] [/W"where clause"]  [/F file] [{/I | /O}] [/K chunksize] [/Z] [/?]  /S sqlserver       The SQL Server to connect to. If 'sqlserver' isnot                     specified, the local SQL Server is used.  /U login           The login to connect with. If 'login' is notspecified,                     a trusted connection will be used.  /P password        The password for 'login'. If 'password' is not                     specified, a NULL password will be used.  /D database        The database that contains the table with thetext or                     image data. If 'database' is not specified, thedefault                     database of 'login' is used.  /T table           The table that contains the text or image value.  /C column          The text or image column of 'table'.  /W "where clause"  A complete where clause (including the Wherekeyword)                     that specifies a single row of 'table'.  /F file            The file name.  /I                 Copy text or image value into SQL Server from'file'.  /O                 Copy text or image value out of SQL Server into'file'.  /K chunksize       Size of the data transfer buffer in bytes.Minimum                     value is 1024 bytes, default value is 4096 bytes.  /Z                 Display debug information while running.  /?                 Display this usage information and exit.You will be prompted for any required options you did not specify.你可以使用下面的存储更简单的使用这个工具:Create PROCEDURE sp_textcopy(  @srvname     varchar (30),  @login       varchar (30),  @password    varchar (30),  @dbname      varchar (30),  @tbname      varchar (30),  @colname     varchar (30),  @filename    varchar (30),  @whereclause varchar (40),  @direction   char(1))ASDECLARE @exec_str varchar (255)Select @exec_str =         'textcopy /S ' + @srvname +         ' /U ' + @login +         ' /P ' + @password +         ' /D ' + @dbname +         ' /T ' + @tbname +         ' /C ' + @colname +         ' /W "' + @whereclause +         '" /F ' + @filename +         ' /' + @directionEXEC master..xp_cmdshell @exec_str下面是一个拷贝图像到SQL Server的pubs数据库的例子,表名pub_info, 字段名logo,图像文件名picture.bmp,保存到pub_id='0736'记录sp_textcopy @srvname = 'ServerName',            @login = 'Login',            @password = 'Password',            @dbname = 'pubs',            @tbname = 'pub_info',            @colname = 'logo',            @filename = 'c:\picture.bmp',            @whereclause = " Where pub_id='0736' ",            @direction = 'I'
如何将sql 2008的image格式的数据导入sql 2005的数据库
