当前位置: 代码迷 >> Sql Server >> 求SQL语句。怎么汇总表中的数据?请诸位高手帮忙!多谢


热度:12   发布时间:2016-04-27 13:12:54.0
u_id 用户编号(自动编号)
u_name 用户姓名(如:张三,李四,王五,...)
u_emid 用户合同号(如:123,124,125,...)

u_id u_name u_emid
1 张三 123
2 李四 124
3 王五 125


ep_id 自动编号(1,2,3,...)
ep_u_id 用户编号(取userinfo表u_id字段值)
ep_year 年份(如2010,2011,2012,...)
ep_month 月份(1~12月)
ep_money 月消费

ep_id ep_u_id ep_year ep_month ep_money
71 3 2012 3 1300
70 2 2012 3 1200
69 1 2012 3 1200
37 3 2012 2 800
36 2 2012 2 1100
35 1 2012 2 900
3 3 2012 1 1000
2 2 2012 1 1200
1 1 2012 1 1100



汇总ID u_emid u_name 时间段 消费汇总 备注

1 123 张三 2012.01-2012.03 3200.00 2012.01消费1100,2012.2消费900,2012.3消费1200
2 124 李四 2012.01-2012.03 3500.00 2012.01消费1200,2012.2消费1100,2012.3消费1200
3 125 王五 2012.01-2012.03 3100.00 2012.01消费1000,2012.2消费800,2012.3消费1300

SQL code
create proc proc_total@begindate char(10),@enddate char(10)as--declare @begindate char(10)--declare @enddate char(10)--set @begindate='2012.02.01'--set @enddate='2013.01.01'select tablea.*,tableb.dept as 备注 from (select distinct u_id, a.u_emid,a.u_name,left(@begindate,7)+'-'+left(@enddate,7) as 时间段, sum(ep_money) as 消费汇总 from userinfo a join expense b on a.u_id=b.ep_u_id where left(@begindate,7)<=(ep_year+'.' +(case when len(ep_month)=1 then '0'+ep_month else ep_month end)) and left(@enddate,7)>=(ep_year+'.' +(case when len(ep_month)=1 then '0'+ep_month else ep_month end)) group by u_id, a.u_emid,a.u_name)tablea join (select distinct ep_u_id,dept= stuff((select',' + ep_year+'.'+ep_month+'消费'+cast(ep_money as varchar(20)) from(select ep_u_id,ep_year,ep_month,sum(ep_money) as ep_money from expense where left(@begindate,7)<=(ep_year+'.' +(case when len(ep_month)=1 then '0'+ep_month else ep_month end)) and left(@enddate,7)>=(ep_year+'.' +(case when len(ep_month)=1 then '0'+ep_month else ep_month end)) group by ep_u_id,ep_year,ep_month)a where a.ep_u_id=b.ep_u_id  for xml path('')),1,1,'')from (select ep_u_id,ep_year,ep_month,sum(ep_money) as ep_money from expense where left(@begindate,7)<=(ep_year+'.' +(case when len(ep_month)=1 then '0'+ep_month else ep_month end)) and left(@enddate,7)>=(ep_year+'.' +(case when len(ep_month)=1 then '0'+ep_month else ep_month end)) group by ep_u_id,ep_year,ep_month)b)tableB on tablea.u_id=tableb.ep_u_id
SQL code
gocreate table userinfo (u_id int,u_name varchar(4),u_emid int)insert into userinfoselect 1,'张三',123 union allselect 2,'李四',124 union allselect 3,'王五',125gocreate table expense (ep_id int,ep_u_id int,ep_year int,ep_month int,ep_money int)insert into expenseselect 71,3,2012,3,1300 union allselect 70,2,2012,3,1200 union allselect 69,1,2012,3,1200 union allselect 37,3,2012,2,800 union allselect 36,2,2012,2,1100 union allselect 35,1,2012,2,900 union allselect 3,3,2012,1,1000 union allselect 2,2,2012,1,1200 union allselect 1,1,2012,1,1100gocreate proc proc_expense(    @username varchar(20),    @begintime datetime,    @endtime datetime)asbegin    ;with maco as(    select         ep_u_id as u_emid,        (select top 1 u_name from userinfo where u_id=t.ep_u_id) as u_name,         replace(convert(varchar(7),@begintime,111)+'-'+convert(varchar(7),@endtime,111),'/','.') as 时间段,        (select sum(ep_money) from expense where ep_u_id=t.ep_u_id) as 消费汇总,        ep_year,ep_month,sum(ep_money) as 备注    from expense t    where cast(ltrim(ep_year)+'-'+ltrim(ep_month)+'-01' as datetime ) between     @begintime and @endtime    group by ep_u_id,ep_year,ep_month)    select     u_emid, u_name,时间段,消费汇总,     [values]=stuff((select ','+ltrim(ep_year)+'.'+ltrim(ep_month)+'消费'+ltrim(备注) from maco t     where u_emid=maco.u_emid and u_name=maco.u_name and 时间段=maco.时间段 and 消费汇总=maco.消费汇总    for xml path('')), 1, 1, '') from maco     where [email protected]    group by u_emid, u_name,时间段,消费汇总endexec proc_expense '张三','2012-01-01','2012-03-01'/*u_emid      u_name 时间段                  消费汇总        values----------- ------ -------------------- ----------- -----------------------------------------------1           张三     2012.01-2012.03      3200        2012.1消费1100,2012.2消费900,2012.3消费1200*/