select RingDuration,QueueDuration from EXTERNAL_CDR.dbo.CDRMAIN where sessionid not in (select sessionid from EXTERNAL_CDR.dbo.CDRMAIN where TalkDuration>0 and sessionid in(select sessionid from EXTERNAL_CDR.dbo.CDRMAIN where TalkDuration=0 )) and sessionid in(select sessionid from EXTERNAL_CDR.dbo.CDRMAIN tic where TalkDuration=0 and Direction=1 and exists(select 1 from dbo.t_user_Users tuu where exists (select 1 from dbo.t_user_UserCombo uc left join dbo.t_user_Users uu on uc.c_userID=uu.c_userID where uu.c_state=1 and uc.c_comboID='559' and uc.c_beginTime <=getDate() and uc.c_endTime>getDate() and uc.c_state=1 and tuu.c_userID=uc.c_userID) and tic.CallerNum_bak=tuu.c_mobile) and starttime>=1330531200 and starttime<1331049600)
not in可以用not exists替换,
主意确认决胜属性字段,where,group by,order by后面出现的字段加索引
该加索引的加索引,not in后面的子查询返回的数据量大的话就用not exists给替换了
- SQL code
SELECT sessionidFROM EXTERNAL_CDR.dbo.CDRMAINWHERE TalkDuration > 0 AND sessionid IN ( SELECT sessionid FROM EXTERNAL_CDR.dbo.CDRMAIN WHERE TalkDuration = 0 )--这句的意思就是得到TalkDuration既大于0又有等于0的sessionid--等价于SELECT sessionid FROM ( SELECT * FROM EXTERNAL_CDR.dbo.CDRMAIN WHERE TalkDuration > 0 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM EXTERNAL_CDR.dbo.CDRMAIN WHERE TalkDuration = 0) a GROUP BY sessionid HAVING ( COUNT(1) > 1 )
- SQL code
-- 把in 和 not in 都去掉;WITH m AS( SELECT sessionid FROM ( SELECT * FROM EXTERNAL_CDR.dbo.CDRMAIN WHERE TalkDuration > 0 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM EXTERNAL_CDR.dbo.CDRMAIN WHERE TalkDuration = 0 ) a GROUP BY sessionid HAVING ( COUNT(1) > 1 )),m1 AS( SELECT sessionid FROM EXTERNAL_CDR.dbo.CDRMAIN tic WHERE TalkDuration = 0 AND Direction = 1 AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM dbo.t_user_Users tuu WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM dbo.t_user_UserCombo uc LEFT JOIN dbo.t_user_Users uu ON uc.c_userID = uu.c_userID WHERE uu.c_state = 1 AND uc.c_comboID = '559' AND uc.c_beginTime <= GETDATE() AND uc.c_endTime > GETDATE() AND uc.c_state = 1 AND tuu.c_userID = uc.c_userID ) AND tic.CallerNum_bak = tuu.c_mobile ) AND starttime >= 1330531200 AND starttime < 1331049600)SELECT RingDuration , QueueDurationFROM EXTERNAL_CDR.dbo.CDRMAIN a LEFT JOIN m b ON a.sessionid = b.sessionid LEFT JOIN m1 c ON a.sessionid = c.sessionidWHERE b.sessionid IS NULL AND c.sessionid IS NOT NULL