当前位置: 代码迷 >> Sql Server >> 存储过程多个output有关问题


热度:90   发布时间:2016-04-27 12:36:01.0

create procedure UP_Test
@Where as varhcar(100),
@PageCount as int=0 output,
@AllPrice as decimal(18,2)=0 output
  delcare @sqlcount='select @PageCount=count(1),@AllPrice=sum(price) from T_Test where 1=1 [email protected]

[email protected],@AllPrice赋值呢?一个参数我知道这样写没有问题:exec sp_executesql @sqlcount,[email protected] int output',@count output!两个就出现未定义问题

SQL code
create table tb (num int)insert into tb select 1 union select 2 union select 3declare @sql1 nvarchar(2000) declare @cou int declare @cou1 int declare @id nvarchar(20) set @id='1' set @sql1='select @count=count(*) from tb where [email protected] select @count1=count(*) from tb where [email protected]' exec sp_executesql @sql1, [email protected] int out,@count1 int out,@id varchar(20)', @cou out ,@cou1 out ,@id select @cou ,@cou1/*1           1*/
SQL code
create table tb(id int,ic int,ik decimal(18,2))insert into tbselect 1,2,3 union allselect 1,3,3godeclare @id intdeclare @count intdeclare @all decimal(18,2)declare @sqlcount nvarchar(1000)set @id = 1set @sqlcount = isnull(@sqlcount,'') + 'select @count=count(1),@all=sum(ik) from tb where 1=1 and id = '+ltrim(@id)exec sp_executesql @sqlcount,[email protected] int output,@all decimal(18,2) output',@count output,@all outputselect @count,@alldrop table tb/**************            ----------- ---------------------------------------2           6.00(1 行受影响)
SQL code
USE AdventureWorks;GOIF OBJECT_ID ( 'Production.usp_GetList', 'P' ) IS NOT NULL     DROP PROCEDURE Production.usp_GetList;GOCREATE PROCEDURE Production.usp_GetList @product varchar(40)     , @maxprice money     , @compareprice money OUTPUT    , @listprice money OUTAS    SELECT p.name AS Product, p.ListPrice AS 'List Price'    FROM Production.Product p    JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory s       ON p.ProductSubcategoryID = s.ProductSubcategoryID    WHERE s.name LIKE @product AND p.ListPrice < @maxprice;-- Populate the output variable @listprice.SET @listprice = (SELECT MAX(p.ListPrice)        FROM Production.Product p        JOIN  Production.ProductSubcategory s           ON p.ProductSubcategoryID = s.ProductSubcategoryID        WHERE s.name LIKE @product AND p.ListPrice < @maxprice);-- Populate the output variable @compareprice.SET @compareprice = @maxprice;GO
SQL code
输出参数             declare @num int, @sqls nvarchar(4000)             set @sqls='select count(*) from tableName'             exec(@sqls)         --如何将exec执行结果放入变量中?                  declare @QueryString nvarchar(1000) --动态查询语名变量(注:必须为ntext或nchar哐nvarchar类型,不能是varchar类型)        declare @paramstring nvarchar(200) --设置动态语句中的参数的字符串(注:必须为ntext或nchar哐nvarchar类型,不能是varchar类型)        declare @output_result [email protected]_result         set @QueryString='select @totalcount=count(*) from tablename' [email protected]        set @[email protected] int output' --设置动态语句中参数的定义的字符串,多个参数用","隔开        exec sp_executesql @querystring,@paramstring,@[email protected]_result output        select @output_result