当前位置: 代码迷 >> Sql Server >> 一个树形结构表的设计,该怎么解决


热度:11   发布时间:2016-04-27 12:20:19.0

















SQL code
create table #EnterPrise(  Department nvarchar(50),--部门名称  ParentDept nvarchar(50),--上级部门  DepartManage nvarchar(30)--部门经理)insert into #EnterPrise select '技术部','总经办','Tom'insert into #EnterPrise select '商务部','总经办','Jeffry'insert into #EnterPrise select '商务一部','商务部','ViVi'insert into #EnterPrise select '商务二部','商务部','Peter'insert into #EnterPrise select '程序组','技术部','GiGi'insert into #EnterPrise select '设计组','技术部','yoyo'insert into #EnterPrise select '专项组','程序组','Yue'insert into #EnterPrise select '总经办','','Boss'--查询部门经理是Tom的下面的部门名称;with hgo as(   select *,0 as rank from #EnterPrise where DepartManage='Tom'   union all   select h.*,h1.rank+1 from #EnterPrise h join hgo h1 on h.ParentDept=h1.Department)select * from hgo/*Department           ParentDept                DepartManage      rank--------------- -------------------- ----------------------- -----------技术部               总经办                    Tom               0程序组               技术部                    GiGi              1设计组               技术部                    yoyo              1专项组               程序组                    Yue               2*/--查询部门经理是GiGi的上级部门名称;with hgo as(   select *,0 as rank from #EnterPrise where DepartManage='GiGi'   union all   select h.*,h1.rank+1 from #EnterPrise h join hgo h1 on h.Department=h1.ParentDept)select * from hgo/*Department               ParentDept          DepartManage    rank-------------------- ----------------------  -----------  -----------程序组                   技术部                 GiGi           0技术部                   总经办                 Tom            1总经办                                          Boss           2*/
SQL code
/*--树形数据处理方案         树形数据的排序,新增,修改,复制,删除,数据完整性检查,汇总统计     --邹建   2003.9--*/         /*--数据测试环境     表名tb,如果修改表名,则相应修改所有数据处理中涉及到的表名tb     id为编号(标识字段+主键)     pid为上级编号     name为名称,后面可以自行增加其他字段.         凡是未特殊标注的地方,对自行增加的字段不影响处理结果     --*/         create   table   tb(id   int   identity(1,1)   not   null   constraint   PK_tb   primary   key   clustered     ,pid   int,name   varchar(20))     insert   into   tb     select   0,'中国'     union   all   select   0,'美国'     union   all   select   0,'加拿大'     union   all   select   1,'北京'     union   all   select   1,'上海'     union   all   select   1,'江苏'     union   all   select   6,'苏州'     union   all   select   7,'常熟'     union   all   select   6,'南京'     union   all   select   6,'无锡'     union   all   select   2,'纽约'     union   all   select   2,'旧金山'     go   /*--数据处理--*/         /*--   一个重要的函数,很多处理的地方都会用到   --*/     --自定义函数--获取编码累计     create   function   f_getmergid(@id   int)     returns   varchar(8000)     as     begin     declare   @re   varchar(8000),@pid   int         --为了数字排序正常,需要统一编码宽度     declare   @idlen   int,@idheader   varchar(20)     select   @idlen=max(len(id))     ,@idheader=space(@idlen)     from   tb         --得到编码累计     set   @re=right(@idheader+cast(@id   as   varchar),@idlen)     select   @pid=pid   from   tb   where   [email protected]     while   @@rowcount>0     select   @re=right(@idheader+cast(@pid   as   varchar),@idlen)+',[email protected]     ,@pid=pid   from   tb   where   [email protected]     return(@re)     end     go   /*--数据显示排序--*/     --分级显示--横向,先一级,后二级...     select   *   from   tb   order   by   pid         --分级显示--纵向     select   *   from   tb   order   by   dbo.f_getmergid(id)     go         /*--数据统计--*/     --分级统计,每个地区下的明细地区数     select   *,     明细地区数=(select   count(*)   from   tb   where   dbo.f_getmergid(id)   like   dbo.f_getmergid(a.id)+',%')     from   tb   a   order   by   dbo.f_getmergid(id)         go     /*--数据新增,修改         数据新增,修改(包括修改所属的类别)没有什么技巧     ,只需要检查所属的上级是否存在就行了.这个可以简单的用下面的语句来解决:     if   exists(select   1   from   tb   where   [email protected])   print   '存在'   else   print   '不存在'     --*/         /*--数据删除--*/     create   proc   p_delete     @id   int, --要删除的id     @deletechild   bit=0 --是否删除子   1.删除子,[email protected],则删除失败.     as     if   @deletechild=1     delete   from   tb   where   dbo.f_getmergid(id)   like   dbo.f_getmergid(@id)+'%'     else     if   exists(select   1   from   tb   where   [email protected])     goto   lbErr     else     delete   from   tb   where   [email protected]         return lbErr:     RAISERROR   ('该结点下有子结点,不能删除',   16,   1)     go         --调用示例     --删除'美国'的数据     --exec   p_delete   2 --不包含子,因为有美国下有子,所以删除会出错     exec   p_delete   2,1 --包含子,将删除美国及所有数据     go    /*--数据完整性检查--*/     --自定义函数--检测某个编码出发,是否被循环引用     create   function   f_chkid(@id   int)     returns   bit --循环,返回1,否则返回0     as     begin     declare   @re   bit,@pid   int         set   @re=0         --检测     select   @pid=pid   from   tb   where   [email protected]     while   @@rowcount>0     begin     if   @[email protected]     begin     set   @re=1     goto   lbErr     end     select   @pid=pid   from   tb   where   [email protected]     end         lbErr:     return(@re)     end     go         --显示表中的那些数据不符合规范     select   *   from   tb   a       where   not   exists(select   1   from   tb   where   id=a.pid)     or   dbo.f_chkid(id)=1     go         /*--数据复制         如果表中包含自定义字段,需要修改存储过程     存在嵌套不超过32层的问题.     --*/         --创建复制的存储过程--复制指定结点下的子结点到另一个结点下     create   proc   p_copy     @s_id   int, --复制该项下的所有子项     @d_id   int, --复制到此项下     @new_id   int --新增加项的开始编号     as     declare   @nid   int,@oid   int,@name   varchar(20)     select   id,name   into   #temp   from   tb   where   [email protected]_id   and   id<@new_id     while   exists(select   1   from   #temp)     begin     select   @oid=id,@name=name   from   #temp     insert   into   tb   values(@d_id,@name)     set   @nid=@@identity     exec   p_copy   @oid,@nid,@new_id     delete   from   #temp   where   [email protected]     end     go         --创建批量复制的存储过程--复制指定结点及其下面的所有子结点,并生成新结点     create   proc   p_copystr     @s_id   varchar(8000) --要复制项的列表,用逗号分隔     as     declare   @nid   int,@oid   int,@name   varchar(20)     set   @s_id=',[email protected]_id+','     select   id,name   into   #temp   from   tb     where   charindex(','+cast(id   as   varchar)+',',   @s_id)>0     while   exists(select   1   from   #temp)     begin     select   @oid=id,@name=name   from   #temp     insert   into   tb   values(@oid,@name)     set   @nid=@@identity     exec   p_copy   @oid,@nid,@nid     delete   from   #temp   where   [email protected]     end     go         --测试     exec   p_copystr   '5,6'         --显示处理结果     select   *   from   tb   order   by   dbo.f_getmergid(id)         go         --删除数据测试环境     drop   table   tb     drop   function   f_getmergid,f_chkid     drop   proc   p_delete,p_copystr,p_copy/*--数据完整性检查--*/     --自定义函数--检测某个编码出发,是否被循环引用     create   function   f_chkid(@id   int)     returns   bit --循环,返回1,否则返回0     as     begin     declare   @re   bit,@pid   int         set   @re=0         --检测     select   @pid=pid   from   tb   where   [email protected]     while   @@rowcount>0     begin     if   @[email protected]     begin     set   @re=1     goto   lbErr     end     select   @pid=pid   from   tb   where   [email protected]     end         lbErr:     return(@re)     end     go         --显示表中的那些数据不符合规范     select   *   from   tb   a       where   not   exists(select   1   from   tb   where   id=a.pid)     or   dbo.f_chkid(id)=1     go         /*--数据复制         如果表中包含自定义字段,需要修改存储过程     存在嵌套不超过32层的问题.     --*/         --创建复制的存储过程--复制指定结点下的子结点到另一个结点下     create   proc   p_copy     @s_id   int, --复制该项下的所有子项     @d_id   int, --复制到此项下     @new_id   int --新增加项的开始编号     as     declare   @nid   int,@oid   int,@name   varchar(20)     select   id,name   into   #temp   from   tb   where   [email protected]_id   and   id<@new_id     while   exists(select   1   from   #temp)     begin     select   @oid=id,@name=name   from   #temp     insert   into   tb   values(@d_id,@name)     set   @nid=@@identity     exec   p_copy   @oid,@nid,@new_id     delete   from   #temp   where   [email protected]     end     go         --创建批量复制的存储过程--复制指定结点及其下面的所有子结点,并生成新结点     create   proc   p_copystr     @s_id   varchar(8000) --要复制项的列表,用逗号分隔     as     declare   @nid   int,@oid   int,@name   varchar(20)     set   @s_id=',[email protected]_id+','     select   id,name   into   #temp   from   tb     where   charindex(','+cast(id   as   varchar)+',',   @s_id)>0     while   exists(select   1   from   #temp)     begin     select   @oid=id,@name=name   from   #temp     insert   into   tb   values(@oid,@name)     set   @nid=@@identity     exec   p_copy   @oid,@nid,@nid     delete   from   #temp   where   [email protected]     end     go         --测试     exec   p_copystr   '5,6'         --显示处理结果     select   *   from   tb   order   by   dbo.f_getmergid(id)         go         --删除数据测试环境     drop   table   tb     drop   function   f_getmergid,f_chkid     drop   proc   p_delete,p_copystr,p_copy增加几个函数:             /*--   得到级别   --*/     create   function   f_getidlevel(@id   int)     returns   int     as     begin     declare   @re   int,@pid   int     set   @re=1         --得到级别(深度)     select   @pid=pid   from   tb   where   [email protected]     while   @@rowcount>0     select   @[email protected]+1     ,@pid=pid   from   tb   where   [email protected]     return(@re)     end     go         --调用     select   *,dbo.f_getidlevel(id)   from   tb/*--   得到指定id的子id列表   --*/     --不包含排序字段的情况     create   function   f_getchildid(@id   int)     returns   @re   table(id   int)     as     begin     insert   into   @re   select   id   from   tb   where   [email protected]     while   @@rowcount>0     insert   into   @re select   a.id       from   tb   a   inner   join   @re   b   on   a.pid=b.id     where   a.id   not   in(select   id   from   @re)     return     end     go         --包含排序字段的情况     create   function   f_getchildidsort(@id   int)     returns   @re   table(id   int,sortid   varchar(8000))     as     begin     --为了数字排序正常,需要统一编码宽度     declare   @idlen   int,@idheader   varchar(20)     select   @idlen=max(len(id))     ,@idheader=space(@idlen)     from   tb         insert   into   @re   select   id,right(@idheader+cast(id   as   varchar),@idlen)     from   tb   where   [email protected]     while   @@rowcount>0     insert   into   @re select   a.id,right(@idheader+cast(a.id   as   varchar),@idlen)+','+b.sortid       from   tb   a   inner   join   @re   b   on   a.pid=b.id     where   a.id   not   in(select   id   from   @re)     return     end     go         --调用示例,显示1的所有子.     select   a.*   from   tb   a   inner   join   dbo.f_getchildidsort(1)   b   on   a.id=b.id   order   by   b.sortid     /*--   得到指定id的父id列表   --*/     --不包含排序字段的情况     create   function   f_getparentid(@id   int)     returns   @re   table(id   int)     as     begin     declare   @pid   int     select   @pid=pid   from   tb   where   [email protected]     while   @pid<>0     begin     insert   into   @re   values(@pid)     select   @pid=pid   from   tb   where   [email protected]     end     return     end     go