- SQL code
select ww.*,qq.renshu from(select a.*,b.mingcheng,c.mingma,d.mingcheng as mch,e.mingcheng as pl,f.DFMingCheng as zj from Tbl_checkIn a,tbl_diqu b,tbl_ShouPiao c,tbl_YanPiaoDian d,tbl_PiaoLei e,Tbl_SFZ f where a.diqu=b.bianhao and a.KaHao=c.kahao and a.CheckInNo=d.bianhao and left(a.zhengjian,6)=f.SFZBianHao and a.piaolei=e.bianhao and mingma>='55622' and mingma<='55634' and convert(char(10),CheckInTime,120) >= '20120615' and convert(char(10),CheckInTime,120) <= '20120625') wwjoin (select zhengjian,sum(renshu) as renshu from tbl_checkin group by zhengjian) qq on ww.zhengjian =qq.zhengjian
日期连接(AND CONVERT(CHAR(10), CheckInTime, 120) >= '20120615'这块)可以把方式改一下
如CheckInTime>="2012-06-15 00:000:000"
LEFT(a.zhengjian, 6) 这块可以在表中加个字段,存储LEFT(a.zhengjian, 6)
set statistics io on
set statistics time on
select 语句...
set statistics io off
set statistics time off