当前位置: 代码迷 >> Sql Server >> 关于索引的查询语句


热度:63   发布时间:2016-04-27 11:03:23.0
在数据库中有张表 这样的形式

其中第一列为ID 第二列存放名称 第三列是父级编号

我想查出一个目录的形式 利用第一列和第三列
我记得可以查 但是忘记怎么写了 
求各位大侠指点下 -_-

SQL code
; with cte as(select * from tb where type_id=1union allseelct b.* from cte as c,tb as b where c.peer_type_id=b.type_id)select * from cte

SQL code
with tb as(    select 0 as id, -1 as id2    union all    select 1 as id, 0 as id2    union all    select 382 as id, 0 as id2    union all    select 383 as id, 382 as id2    union all    select 385 as id, 0 as id2    union all    select 386 as id, 385 as id2)select tb.id, tb2.id from tbleft outer join tb tb2 on tb.id = tb2.id2order by tb.id, tb2.id2
SQL code
-->这样么?; with cte as(    select from 表 where TYPE_ID=0    union all    select b.* from cte c,表 b where b.PER_TYPE_ID=c.TYPE_ID)select * from cte