- 我的问题是:同一个门面随着时间的推移会签订越来越多的合同,那么,我该如何设置筛选条件,使得只显示最新的合同呢
- SQL code
;with cte as(select *from contractTable a join propertyTable b on a.city+a.road+a.address=b.city+b.road+b.address)select * from cte a where not exists(select 1 from cte where city=a.city and road=a.road and address=a.address and leasedateto>a.leasedateto)
错误提示:消息 8156,级别 16,状态 1,第 1 行
多次为 'cte' 指定了列 'City'。
- SQL code
;with cte as(select *from contractTable a join propertyTable b on a.city+a.road+a.address=b.city+b.road+b.address) --- 在cte里把需要的列名别名出来 再查询 select * from cte a where not exists(select 1 from cte where city=a.city and road=a.road and address=a.address and leasedateto>a.leasedateto)