数据结构如下,很简单: 月份和销售额
201301 100
201302 300
201401 200
201405 400
201406 300
201407 800
201401 AVG QTY of (201401,201312,201311)
201402 AVG QTY of (201402,2014101,201312)
比如 201407 的值应该是 (400+300+800)/3 = 500
create table test (YYMM varchar(10),QTY int)
insert test
select '201310',100 union all
select '201311',300 union all
select '201312',220 union all
select '201401',100 union all
select '201402',500 union all
select '201403',700 union all
select '201404',800 union all
select '201405',100 union all
select '201406',500 union all
select '201407',200
select a.YYMM,(a.QTY+b.QTY+c.QTY)/3
from test a
left join test b
on a.YYMM=left(CONVERT(varchar(100),dateadd(MM,1,CONVERT(datetime,b.YYMM+'01')),112),6)
left join test c
on a.YYMM=left(CONVERT(varchar(100),dateadd(MM,2,CONVERT(datetime,c.YYMM+'01')),112),6)
where a.YYMM>left(CONVERT(varchar(100),'2014-01-01',112),6)
201401 206
201402 273
201403 433
201404 666
201405 533
201406 466
201407 266
create table test (YYMM varchar(10),QTY int)
insert test
select '201310',100 union all
select '201311',300 union all
select '201312',220 union all
select '201401',100 union all
select '201402',500 union all
select '201403',700 union all
select '201404',800 union all
select '201405',100 union all
select '201406',500 union all
select '201407',200
SELECT yymm,
qty=(SELECT SUM(a.qty)/3 FROM test a WHERE a.yymm<=test.yymm AND a.yymm>=left(CONVERT(varchar(100),dateadd(MM,-2,CONVERT(datetime,test.YYMM+'01')),112),6))
FROM dbo.test WHERE yymm>='201401'