create table t
( emp_id varchar(10) primary key,
emp_no varchar(10),
emp_date datetime
insert into t values('00001','123','2014-09-17')
insert into t values('00002','123','2014-09-14')
insert into t values('00003','123','2014-09-01')
请教一个问题,如上,给定一个emp_id,怎么查询到emp_no跟所给的emp_id相同的前两个记录(按emp_date检索), 比如给定'00001',前一条记录是‘00002’,前两条记录是'00003'。
with temp as(
select ROW_NUMBER()over(order by emp_date desc)orderid,* from t t1
where exists(select * from t where emp_id='00001' and t1.emp_no=t.emp_no and t.emp_date>t1.emp_date )
select emp_id,emp_no,emp_date from temp where orderid=1--前一条
union all
select emp_id,emp_no,emp_date from temp where orderid=2--前二条