目前正在做一个网站,用户每天要在该网站上上传下载电影,考虑到SQL Server数据库不能过大,于是采用普通的ASP.net方式将文件存在服务器上的某个路径下。采用普通的FileUpload作为上传工具,目前基本的功能已经实现。但是FileUpload控件有个缺陷就是没有进度条,尝试过uploadify、RadUpload.Net2控件,但存在问题。uplodify是flash上传,部署后与很多浏览器不兼容,尤其是IE8,RadUpload.Net2控件在普通的asp.ne程序中可以实现进度条,但是放在SharePoint代码的时候需要强签名,但是我把dll强签名后,在工具栏中右键选择项,引入dll的时候出现如下错误。
建议配置RBS方式 存到文件服务器
I understand that may be my code is correct and problem from other things. Based on that, I find the problem and solve it that I describe solution as follows:
If the assembly file is registered in the GAC and assembly file codes change again, and assembly file re-compiles, and we want to add new recompiled assembly file to Visual Studio toolbox, this error will occur. The reason of occurring this error is that new recompiled assembly file, registered in GAC before and registered assembly file in GAC is different with it. So, new recompiled assembly file must be registered again in GAC.
Now, If add registered assembly file in GAC or new recompiled assembly file to the Visual Studio toolbox, this error will never occur.
Another tip that must be considered, is deleting or commenting following line of code in AssemblyInfo.cs file:
[assembly: System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]
And now, it will work correctly.