Car: Brand (Replace Title)* single line of text
Registration Number* number
Model* single line of text
Kilometers* number
Reparation date date and time
Reparation piece lookup(Stocks:Name)
Status* choice: Available, Rented, In reparation
Comments multiple line of text
Customer: First name* single line of text
Last name* single line of text
Complete name* calculated(First name&Last name)
Addressee* multiple line of text
Email* single line of text
Phone number* number
Fidelity point* number(default value: 0)
Rents: Customer* lookup(Customer:Complete name)
Car* lookup(Car:Brand)
Begin date* date and time(today)
End date* date and time
Number of days* calculated(End date-Begin date)
Status* choice: proceeding, finish
Stocks: Name* single line of text
Brand* single line of text
Number of pieces* number
Unavailable: Brand (Replace Title)* single line of text
Registration Number* number
Model* single line of text
Kilometers* number
Reparation date date and time