我想对一个library里的items移动到该库下的子目录中, 在网上有个例子,就是做这样的动作, 它是把items 移动到该库下
/Archive/当天日期 如 /Archive/20140521, 该例子除了 几个 where 前要加 “|”要修改外, 其他不变就可以运行; 但运行老遇到不存在归档目录的错误, 但这目录是该powershell生成, 现都不清楚是哪里问题, 请各位帮忙看看,谢谢!
$WebURL = "http://pwtestsrv01/Applications";
$ListDisplayName = "TEST";
$ArchiveFolderName = "Archive";
function LoadWSSAssembly{
write-host "Loading WSS Assembly..."
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
write-host "Done..."
function folderExists([Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFolder] $Folder, [string]$FolderName){
return !(($Folder.SubFolders | where {$_.Name -eq $FolderName}) -eq $null);
function getFolder([Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFolder] $Folder, [System.String] $folderName)
{ write-host "Searching for folder '" $folderName "' in SPFolder located at " $Folder.Url "...";
if (!(folderExists $Folder $folderName)) {
write-host "Folder Not Found - Creating a new one...";
$folderItem = $list.Items.Add($Folder.ServerRelativeUrl, [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileSystemObjectType]::Folder,$folderName);
$list.Update(); #Need to get a fresh reference of the folder to ensure we can see the new one just created:
$Folder = $Folder.ParentWeb.GetFolder($Folder); }
return $Folder.SubFolders | where {$_.Name -eq $FolderName};
function getArchiveFolder([Microsoft.SharePoint.SPList] $List){
#Get Reference to the Archive Root Folder:
[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFolder] $archiveRoot = getFolder $List.RootFolder $ArchiveFolderName;
#Get Reference to the daily archive folder:
$nowTimeInString = [System.DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFolder] $todaysArchiveFolder = getFolder $archiveRoot $nowTimeInString;
return $todaysArchiveFolder;}
function moveItems
{ trap
{#make sure we dispose of these in the event of an error to avoid memory leaks:
write-host "Error - disposing of objects...";
[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite] $Site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($WebURL);
[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb] $Web = $Site.OpenWeb();
[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPList] $List = $Web.Lists[$ListDisplayName];
[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFolder] $FolderToMoveTo = getArchiveFolder $List;
$Query = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery;
$Query.Folder = $list.RootFolder;
$List.GetItems($Query) | Where {$_.ContentType.Name -ne "Folder"} | foreach-object {
#Line below will simply output to console and demonstrates another .NET call
[System.String]::format("Moving Item {0} with ID {1}",$_.Title, $_.ID.ToString());
#[System.String]::format("Moving Item {0}",$_.Title);
#[System.String]::format("Moving Item {0}",$_.Url);