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rubygems.org guides 通译十三(resources)

热度:285   发布时间:2016-04-29 02:20:39.0
rubygems.org guides 翻译十三(resources)






  • Making Ruby Gems
  • Gem Sawyer, Modern Day Ruby Warrior
  • Gemcutter & Jeweler
  • MicroGems: five minute RubyGems?- Gems so small that you can store them in a gist.
  • Let’s Write a Gem: Part 1?and?Part 2
  • Polishing Rubies
  • A Practical Guide to Using Signed Ruby Gems - Part 1: Bundler
  • Basic RubyGem Development?and?Intermediate RubyGem Development
  • How to make a Rubygem?and?How to make a Rubygem: Part Two
  • Crafting Gems?- A tutorial from RailsConf 2013.
  • How to cryptographically sign your RubyGem?- Step-by-step guide


  • History of RDoc and RubyGems
  • Building a Gem
  • Gemology


  • Semantic Versioning
  • Ruby Packaging Standard
  • Why?require 'rubygems'?Is Wrong
  • How to Name Gems
  • Make the world a better place; put a license in your gemspec


  • Gem Packaging: Best Practices
  • Rubygems Good Practice
  • Gem Development Best Practices



  • gemerator?- Minimalist tool for generating skeleton gems.
  • hoe?- Rake/RubyGems helper.
  • Jeweler?- Opinionated tool for managing RubyGems projects.
  • micro-cutter?- Tool to build the base files for a MicroGem.
  • newgem?- New gem generator.
  • RStack?- Generator intended for use on private gems.
  • rubygems-tasks?- Rake tasks for building, installing, and releasing Ruby Gems.
  • ore?- Project generator with a variety of templates.
  • Omnibus?- Generate full-stack installers for ruby code (see this?Omnibus tutorial?for instructions on using it to package a standalone RubyGem.)



  • Gemnasium?- Parses your GitHub projects to learn what to notify you about. Free for public repos only.
  • Gemnasium gem?- Allows you to use Gemnasium without granting it access to private repos.
  • gemwhisperer


  • Geminabox- Host your own gems, with a rubygems-compatible API.
  • Gem Mirror?- Run an internal mirror of external gem sources.
  • Gemfury?- Private cloud-based RubyGems servers. Priced by number of collaborators.


  • gemnasium-parser?- Determine dependencies without evaluating the ruby in gemfiles or gemspecs
  • Gemrat?- 从命令行添加最新的gem到你的Gemfile



