Sub auto_Open() Sheets("i18n").Select v = Range("B2").Value If v = 0 Then TravellerReprot Sheets("i18n").Select Range("B2").Value = 1 Sheets("Traveller Anlysis Report").Select ActiveWorkbook.Save End If Sheets("Traveller Anlysis Report").SelectEnd SubRem 差旅人报表数据Sub TravellerReprot() '------------------------常量定义------------------------ '预留行数 Const limitNum = 23 '数据开始行数 Const startNum = 7 'en_US Const en_US_TitleMain = "Business Travel Account" Const en_US_TitleMain2 = "Traveler Analysis Report For 2012-01-01 To 2012-03-01" Const en_US_AccountName = "Account Name:" Const en_US_AccountNumber = "Account Number:" Const en_US_GenerationDate = "Generation Date:" Const en_US_Traveler = "Traveler" Const en_US_Class = "Class" Const en_US_Routing = "Routing" Const en_US_DeptDate = "Dept Date" Const en_US_TicketNumber = "Ticket Number" Const en_US_ValueRMB = "Value RMB" Const en_US_BottomName = "This is a management information report and is not to be used for accounting purposes" Const en_US_Page = "Page Number 1 Of 1" Const en_US_TotalReport = "Report Totals" 'zh_CN Const zh_CN_TitleMain = "商务旅行账户" Const zh_CN_TitleMain2 = "员工差旅分析(2012-01-01 到 20120-03-01)" Const zh_CN_AccountName = "企业名称:" Const zh_CN_AccountNumber = "企业编号:" Const zh_CN_GenerationDate = "报表生成日期:" Const zh_CN_Traveler = "差旅人" Const zh_CN_Class = "舱位" Const zh_CN_Routing = "航程" Const zh_CN_DeptDate = "起飞/交易日期" Const zh_CN_TicketNumber = "票号" Const zh_CN_ValueRMB = "交易金额" Const zh_CN_BottomName = "这是一个管理信息报告且不被用于会计目的" Const zh_CN_Page = "第1页 共1页" Const zh_CN_TotalReport = "报表总计" '------------------------逻辑处理------------------------ Application.ScreenUpdating = False '1.i18n初始化 Sheets("i18n").Select lang = Range("B1").Value Debug.Print "语言选择为" & lang Debug.Print "初始化国际化信息" Sheets("Traveller Anlysis Report").Select If lang = "en_US" Then Range("C1").Value = en_US_TitleMain Range("B2").Value = en_US_TitleMain2 Range("A4").Value = en_US_AccountName Range("C4").Value = en_US_AccountNumber Range("E4").Value = en_US_GenerationDate Range("A6").Value = en_US_Traveler Range("B6").Value = en_US_Class Range("C6").Value = en_US_Routing Range("D6").Value = en_US_DeptDate Range("E6").Value = en_US_TicketNumber Range("F6").Value = en_US_ValueRMB Range("B32").Value = en_US_BottomName Range("C33").Value = en_US_Page Else Range("C1").Value = zh_CN_TitleMain Range("B2").Value = zh_CN_TitleMain2 Range("A4").Value = zh_CN_AccountName Range("C4").Value = zh_CN_AccountNumber Range("E4").Value = zh_CN_GenerationDate Range("A6").Value = zh_CN_Traveler Range("B6").Value = zh_CN_Class Range("C6").Value = zh_CN_Routing Range("D6").Value = zh_CN_DeptDate Range("E6").Value = zh_CN_TicketNumber Range("F6").Value = zh_CN_ValueRMB Range("B32").Value = zh_CN_BottomName Range("C33").Value = zh_CN_Page End If '2.是否增行判断:有效数据行数与预留行数对比 Sheets("data").Select activeNum = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row Debug.Print "有效数据行数为" & activeNum totalTraveller = Range("A" & activeNum).Value Debug.Print "差旅人总数为" & totalTraveller If activeNum > limitNum Then Debug.Print "有效数据行数大于预留行数,进行增行操作" insertNum = activeNum - limitNum For num = 1 To insertNum Step 1 Sheets("Traveller Anlysis Report").Select Rows("8:8").Select Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove Next num End If '3.数据填充 Debug.Print "增行判断完毕,进行数据填充" '当前正在执行的行数 curNum = startNum '当前正在执行的差旅人 Dim curTravelerID As Integer '标记需要数据条的单元格 Dim needColor() As String Dim colorNum As Integer '循环填充 curTravelerID = 1 colorNum = 1 ReDim needColor(colorNum To totalTraveller) For temp = 1 To activeNum Step 1 Sheets("data").Select travelerID = Range("A" & temp).Value '3.1差旅人是否和上一次的为同一差旅人 If curTravelerID = travelerID Then isSameTraveler = True Else isSameTraveler = False End If curTravelerID = travelerID '3.2判断是否需要添加数据条标记 If isSameTraveler = False Then needColor(colorNum) = "F" & (curNum - 1) colorNum = colorNum + 1 End If '3.3复制差旅人数据 Sheets("Traveller Anlysis Report").Select Range("A" & curNum).FormulaR1C1 = "=data!R[-6]C[1]" If Range("A" & curNum) = 0 Then Range("A" & curNum).Value = "" End If Range("B" & curNum).FormulaR1C1 = "=data!R[-6]C[1]" If Range("B" & curNum) = 0 Then Range("B" & curNum).Value = "" End If Range("C" & curNum).FormulaR1C1 = "=data!R[-6]C[1]" If Range("C" & curNum) = 0 Then Range("C" & curNum).Value = "" End If Range("D" & curNum).FormulaR1C1 = "=data!R[-6]C[1]" If Range("D" & curNum) = 0 Then Range("D" & curNum).Value = "" End If Range("E" & curNum).FormulaR1C1 = "=data!R[-6]C[1]" If Range("E" & curNum) = 0 Then Range("E" & curNum).Value = "" End If Range("F" & curNum).FormulaR1C1 = "=data!R[-6]C[1]" '3.4当前行+1,进入下次循环 curNum = curNum + 1 Next temp '3.5有效数据行的最后一行的最后一列加入needColor needColor(colorNum) = "F" & (curNum - 1) '4.设置样式表 '需要设置的单元格 Dim colorBarCells As String '单元格的总和 Dim colorBarCellsSum As Long For i = 1 To UBound(needColor) colorBarCells = colorBarCells + needColor(i) + "," colorBarCellsSum = colorBarCellsSum + Range(needColor(i)).Value Next i colorBarCells = Mid(colorBarCells, 1, Len(colorBarCells) - 1) Debug.Print "待添加渐变单元格:" & colorBarCells Debug.Print "待添加渐变单元格的总和:" & colorBarCellsSum Sheets("Traveller Anlysis Report").Select Range(colorBarCells).Select Selection.FormatConditions.AddDatabar Selection.FormatConditions(Selection.FormatConditions.Count).ShowValue = True Selection.FormatConditions(Selection.FormatConditions.Count).SetFirstPriority 'With Selection.FormatConditions(1) ' .MinPoint.Modify newtype:=xlConditionValueLowestValue ' .MaxPoint.Modify newtype:=xlConditionValueHighestValue ' End With With Selection.FormatConditions(1).BarColor .Color = 8700771 .TintAndShade = 0 End With '5.设置统计栏 Sheets("Traveller Anlysis Report").Select Range("A" & curNum).Select If lang = "en_US" Then Range("A" & curNum) = en_US_TotalReport Else Range("A" & curNum) = zh_CN_TotalReport End If Selection.Font.Bold = True Range("F" & curNum).Select Range("F" & curNum) = colorBarCellsSum Selection.Font.Bold = True Range("A" & curNum & ":" & "F" & curNum).Select Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .ColorIndex = 0 .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlThin End With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone Range("A65000").Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub