02. QComboBox *comBox;
03. QPixmap pix(16,16); //创建绘图设备
04. QPainter painter(&pix);//创建一个画笔
05. painter.fillRect(0,0,16,16,Qt::black);
06. comBox->addItem(QIcon(pix),tr("黑色"),Qt::black);
07. //红色
08. painter.fillRect(0,0,16,16,Qt::red);
09. comBox->addItem(QIcon(pix),tr("红色"),Qt::red);
但是在编译的时候报错:1)C:\Qt\Qt5.3.0\5.3\mingw482_32\include\QtCore\qvariant.h:481: error: 'QVariant::QVariant(Qt::GlobalColor)' is private
QVariant(Qt::GlobalColor) Q_DECL_EQ_DELETE;
2)D:\User\paint\mainwindow.cpp:192: error: within this context
// These constructors don't create QVariants of the type associcated
// with the enum, as expected, but they would create a QVariant of
// type int with the value of the enum value.
// Use QVariant v = QColor(Qt::red) instead of QVariant v = Qt::red for
// example.