当前位置: 代码迷 >> python >> -1在多维数据集根计算器中返回错误


热度:69   发布时间:2023-07-14 09:52:40.0


cube = int(input('Input an integer: '))
for guess in range(abs(cube + 1)):
    if guess ** 3 >= abs(cube):
if guess ** 3 != abs(cube):
    print(str(cube) + ' is not a perfect cube.')
    if cube < 0:
        guess = - guess
    print('Cube root of ' + str(cube) + ' is ' + str(guess))


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/ABC.py", line 5, in <module>
    if guess ** 3 != abs(cube):
NameError: name 'guess' is not defined

它为所有期望为-1负整数打印期望的答案,而我无法找到这种现象的原因。 它应该将-1打印为输出,并且当range()函数对其进行“定义”时,我看不出有任何理由来定义guess


当您将-1放入函数中时,for循环永远不会运行。 abs(-1+1)为0,因此它永远不会运行,因此永远不会初始化猜测。 您可能需要做abs(-1) +1

如果cube == -1 ,则abs(cube + 1) == 0 ,而range(abs(cube + 1))为空。 因此,不会发生任何迭代(因为没有要迭代的内容),并且永远不会创建名称guess

另外, range不是函数,而是一个 。

您必须正确缩进。 仅在for循环的范围内定义guess ,它是for循环的索引。

cube = int(input('Input an integer: '))
for guess in range(abs(cube + 1)):
    if guess ** 3 >= abs(cube):
if guess ** 3 != abs(cube): # this if is outside the for loop so guess is not defined
    print(str(cube) + ' is not a perfect cube.')
else: # this else-if is outside the foor loop so guess is not defined
    if cube < 0:
        guess = - guess
    print('Cube root of ' + str(cube) + ' is ' + str(guess))

我在下面缩进了这些行并运行了脚本,我没有得到您得到的错误,但是我也得到了8 is not a perfect cube. 运行该程序时,如果输入-1(或任何负数),则无输出。

cube = int(input('Input an integer: '))
for guess in range(abs(cube + 1)):
    if guess ** 3 >= abs(cube):
    if guess ** 3 != abs(cube): # now it is inside the for loop
        print(str(cube) + ' is not a perfect cube.')
    else: # this is also now inside the for loop
        if cube < 0:
            guess = - guess
        print('Cube root of ' + str(cube) + ' is ' + str(guess))

关于您要做什么的最佳猜测如下。 可能有更优雅的编写程序的方法,而且我知道break语句因使逻辑难以遵循而被皱眉。

cube = int(input('Input an integer: '))
for guess in range(abs(cube) + 1):
    # if a perfect cube is found we enter this if statement
    if guess ** 3 == abs(cube):
        # these if and else statements print the appropriate cube depending on if the input is negative or positive
        if cube < 0:
            print('Cube root of ' + str(cube) + ' is ' + str(guess * -1))
            print('Cube root of ' + str(cube) + ' is ' + str(guess))
    # else if the index cubed is greater than our input, we know it can't be a perfect cube and we should exit the loop.
    elif guess ** 3 > abs(cube):
        # tell the user the input is not a perfect cube
        print(str(cube) + " is not a perfect cube.")