网站使用超文本传输协议(HTTP)进行通信,通常用网站浏览器,但是,你可能想出于几个原因,从脚本或者程序发出网站请求,例如,通过RSS 或者 Atom feeds汇集站点内容。
为了发出HTTP 请求,使用 System.Net.WebRequest 类中的 Create中静态方法,它创建了 WebRequest 对象,表示对统一资源定位符 (URL,在网络上唯一表示资源的地址)的请求,传递给 Create 方法。然后,使用GetResponse 方法得到服务器对你请求的应答,通过 System.Net.WebResponse 类表示。
下面的示例(清单 10-3)演示了调用 BBC网站的 RSS。这个示例的核心是 getUrlAsXml函数,它从 URL 中读取数据,并把数据加载到XmlDocument。示例的其余部分还演示了对数据进行后处理的种类,这里,在控制台上显示每一项的标题,用户可以选择显示的项。
清单10-3. 使用 HTTP
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Net
open System.Xml
let getUrlAsXml (url :string) =
let request = WebRequest.Create(url)
let response = request.GetResponse()
let stream = response.GetResponseStream()
let xml = new XmlDocument()
//leturl ="http://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_uk_edition/sci/tech/rss.xml"
let url = "http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/uk/rss.xml"
let xml = getUrlAsXmlurl
let mutable i = 1
for node in xml.SelectNodes("/rss/channel/item/title")do
printf "%i.%s\r\n" inode.InnerText
i <- i + 1
//letitem = read_int()
let item =System.Console.ReadLine() |> System.Int32.Parse
let newUrl =
let xpath = sprintf "/rss/channel/item[%i]/link" item
let node = xml.SelectSingleNode(xpath)
let proc = new Process()
proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute<- true
proc.StartInfo.FileName<- newUrl
proc.Start()|> ignore
1. Five-step check for nano safety
2. Neanderthal DNA secrets unlocked
3. Stem cells 'treat muscle disease'
4. World Cup site threat to swallows
5. Clues to pandemic bird flu found
6. Mice star as Olympic food tasters
7. Climate bill sets carbon target
8. Physics promises wireless power
9. Heart 'can carry out own repairs'
10. Average European 'is overweight'
11. Contact lost with Mars spacecraft
12. Air guitar T-shirt rocks for real
13. Chocolate 'cuts blood clot risk'
14. Case for trawl ban 'overwhelming'
15. UN chief issues climate warning
16. Japanese begin annual whale hunt
17. Roman ship thrills archaeologists
18. Study hopeful for world's forests