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PHP 出错 Use of undefined constant prop_values - ass.

热度:484   发布时间:2016-04-28 18:48:23.0
PHP 报错 Use of undefined constant prop_values - ass...

PHP 程序 出现下面错误 是什么原因。
Notice: Use of undefined constant multi - assumed 'multi' in /www/users/***.com/tb/edittbgoods.php on line 104Notice: Use of undefined constant must - assumed 'must' in /www/users/***.com/tb/edittbgoods.php on line 105Notice: Use of undefined constant must - assumed 'must' in /www/users/***.com/tb/edittbgoods.php on line 105Notice: Use of undefined constant name - assumed 'name' in /www/users/***.com/tb/edittbgoods.php on line 106Notice: Use of undefined constant name - assumed 'name' in /www/users/***.com/tb/edittbgoods.php on line 106Notice: Use of undefined constant pid - assumed 'pid' in /www/users/***.com/tb/edittbgoods.php on line 107


如果没猜错的话你的变量应该是 $xxx[multi] = $xxx;这样的吧。改成$xxx[‘multi’] = $xxx;加上引号应该就可以了。

还有一种解决办法就是修改php.ini 找到error_reporting = E_ALL 改为 error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE。但是还是建议使用第一种解决办法,能规范的尽量规范一些没有坏处。




