当前位置: 代码迷 >> PB >> 怎么从数据窗口中获得数据库初始值


热度:291   发布时间:2016-04-29 10:32:19.0

dwcontrol.Object.Data {.buffer } {.datasource } [ rownum, colnum ] 

Parameter Description
dwcontrol The name of the DataWindow control or child DataWindow in which you want to get or set data.
(optional) The name of the buffer from which you want to get or set data. Values are:?Primary - (Default) The data in the primary buffer (the data that has not been deleted or filtered out).?Delete - The data in the delete buffer (data deleted from the DataWindow control).?Filter - The data in the filter buffer (data that was filtered out).
(optional) The source of the data. Values are:?Current - (Default) The current values in the DataWindow control.?Original - The values that were initially retrieved from the database.
rownum The row number of the desired item.
colnum The column number of the desired item.The row and column numbers must be enclosed in brackets and separated by commas.
dwcontrol.Object.Data {.buffer } {.datasource } [ rownum, colnum ] 和 getitemnumber效果是一样的,accepttext后提取不到原始数据;新建datawindow或者datastore试一下吧。
dw.Objec.colums.Original[ROW] - 得到从数据库中检索出来的值
dw.Objec.colums[ROW] - 得到当前值