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请教primary key for table xs ' is not unique 原因

热度:616   发布时间:2016-04-29 09:11:38.0
请问primary key for table xs ' is not unique 原因
[sybase][odbc driver][ adaptive server anywhere] integrity constraint violation:primary key for table xs ' is not unique 

insert into xs
execute 时出现的语句,xs是我定义的表,主键设为学生 ,我不知道问题出在哪里,我刚学,自己搞了很久都不会,希望有朋友可以指点一下。

看看是不是已经存在 王林 的学生了。

Probable cause
You attempted to add a new row to a table, but the new row has the same primary key as an existing row. The database has not added the incorrect row to the database. For example, you might have added a student with student number 86004 and there is already a row for a student with that number.