当前位置: 代码迷 >> PB >> 请[leio]看一下PB base64解码的有关问题

请[leio]看一下PB base64解码的有关问题

热度:70   发布时间:2016-04-29 08:38:36.0
请[leio]看一下PB base64解码的问题
我在MSN里下载了pb 的base64编码解码程序,好象有先问题

这个字符串 'C43FB772-4B68-4A43-9E87-7E4A3ABEBBAB' 编码完成后在进行解码操作以后,最后的单引号变成空格了,不知道怎么回事

我用的是pb9.03 8836,我记不得我后来有没有再改过,我电脑上保存的base64.pbl测试正常。



C# code
//base64解密//参数说明://strbuf        待解密串//lc_return    回写解密后字符数组//返回解密后blobchar lch_base64key[64]blob lbl_returnlch_base64key = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'if len(strbuf) = 0 then return lbl_returnif right(strbuf,1) = '=' then    if left(right(strbuf,2),1) = '=' then        strbuf = left(strbuf,len(strbuf) - 2)    else        strbuf = left(strbuf,len(strbuf) - 1)    end ifend iflonglong ll_len,i,t,jll_len = len(strbuf) / 2string m[],xchar s1[2]long ll_loops,ll_strlenll_strlen = len(strbuf)IF ll_strlen > 6000 THEN    IF Mod(ll_strlen, 6000) = 0 THEN        ll_loops = ll_strlen/6000    ELSE        ll_loops = (ll_strlen/6000) + 1    END IFELSE    ll_loops = 1END IFlonglong ll_currentposll_currentpos = 1string ls_tmpfor j = 1 to ll_loops    ls_tmp = mid(strbuf,ll_currentpos,6000)    ll_currentpos += 6000    ll_len = len(ls_tmp) / 2    //转为十六进制字串    for i = 1 to ll_len        s1 = mid(ls_tmp,i*2 - 1,2)        t = (Pos(lch_base64key,s1[1]) - 1) * 64 + (Pos(lch_base64key,s1[2]) - 1)        x = int2hex(t)        if len(x) > 3 then            m[j] += right(x,3)        elseif len(x) = 2 then            m[j] += '0'+x        elseif len(x) = 1 then            m[j] += '00'+x        end if    nextnextif mod(len(ls_tmp),2)=1 then   t = (pos(lch_base64key,right(ls_tmp,1)) - 1) * 64    x = int2hex(t)    if len(x) > 3 then        m[ll_loops] += right(x,3)    elseif len(x) = 2 then        m[ll_loops] += '0'+x    elseif len(x) = 1 then       m[ll_loops] += '00'+x    end if    m[ll_loops] = left(m[ll_loops],len(m[ll_loops]) - 2)end ifchar lch_temp[]string ls_templl_currentpos = 0for j = 1 to upperbound(m)    ll_len = len(m[j]) / 2    for i = 1 to ll_len        ls_temp = mid(m[j],i*2 - 1,2)        lch_temp[i+ll_currentpos] = char(hex2int(ls_temp))    next    ll_currentpos += len(m[j]) / 2nextlc_return = lch_templbl_return = chararray2blob(lch_temp)//messagebox('',string(asc(lch_temp[upperbound(lch_temp)])))return lbl_return