Performs an HTTP Post, allowing a PowerBuilder application to send a request through CGI, NSAPI, or ISAPI.
Inet objects
servicereference.PostURL ( urlname, urldata, headers, {serverport, } data )
Argument Description
servicereference Reference to the Internet service instance.
urlname String specifying the URL to post.
urldata Blob specifying arguments to the URL specified by urlname.
headers String specifying HTML headers. In Netscape, a newline (~n) is required after each HTTP header and a final newline after all headers.
(optional) Specifies the server port number for the request. The default value for this argument is 0, which means that the port number is determined by the system (port 80 for HTTP requests).
data InternetResult instance into which the function returns HTML.
Return value
Integer. Returns values as follows:
1 Success
-1 General error
-2 Invalid URL
-4 Cannot connect to the Internet
-5 Unsupported secure (HTTPS) connection attempted
-6 Internet request failed
iir_msgbox = CREATE n_ir
int li_rc
iinet_base = create inet
li_rc = getcontextservice( "internet", iinet_base )
if li_rc <> 1 then
end if