入参:name_ip 1为机器名、非1IP
function int WSAStartup( uint UIVersionRequested, ref s_WSAData lpWSAData ) library "wsock32.dll "
function int WSACleanup() library "wsock32.dll "
function int WSAGetLastError ( ) library "wsock32.dll "
function int gethostname ( ref string name, int namelen ) library "wsock32.dll "
function string GetHost(string lpszhost, ref blob lpszaddress ) library "pbws32.dll "
s_wsadata l_WSAData
string ls_HostName = space(128)
string ls_IpAddress
int li_version = 257
blob{4} lb_hostaddress
/* Then, create a session, based on the winsock version. This version number consists of two part, a major and minor release number, both represented in a byte. So, version 1.1 gives us an integer version of 257 ( 256 + 1 ) */
IF wsastartup ( li_version, l_WSAData ) = 0 THEN
/* the wsadata structure contains several information. The description element tells us the winsock version */
//messagebox( "Winsock Version ", l_WSAData.description )
/* Now, let 's find out what the hostname is of the current machine we 're working on */
IF gethostname ( ls_HostName, len(ls_HostName) ) < 0 THEN
messagebox( "GetHostName ",WSAGetLastError())
/* With the hostname, call the DLL function and map the IP-address pointers to a PB blob variable, with a length of 4 bytes. This is done because the internal structure contains 4 pointers, each pointer point to one of the parts of the IP-address. An IP-address namely, consists of 4 bytes */
// Messagebox( "Hostname ", ls_HostName)
GetHost(ls_HostName, lb_HostAddress)
/* Convert the pointers to scalars, and concatenate them to one string, the IP-address */
ls_IpAddress = string(asc(string(blobmid(lb_HostAddress,1,1))), "000 ") + ". "