CountDownLatch 它被用来同步一个或者多个任务,强制他们等待由其他任务执行的一组操作完成。
package concurrency;//: concurrency/
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.*;
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*;// Performs some portion of a task:
class TaskPortion implements Runnable {private static int counter = 0;private final int id = counter++;private static Random rand = new Random(47);private final CountDownLatch latch;TaskPortion(CountDownLatch latch) {this.latch = latch;}public void run() {try {doWork();latch.countDown();} catch(InterruptedException ex) {// Acceptable way to exit}}public void doWork() throws InterruptedException {TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(rand.nextInt(2000));print(this + "completed");}public String toString() {return String.format("%1$-3d ", id);}
}// Waits on the CountDownLatch:
class WaitingTask implements Runnable {private static int counter = 0;private final int id = counter++;private final CountDownLatch latch;WaitingTask(CountDownLatch latch) {this.latch = latch;}public void run() {try {latch.await();print("Latch barrier passed for " + this);} catch(InterruptedException ex) {print(this + " interrupted");}}public String toString() {return String.format("WaitingTask %1$-3d ", id);}
}public class CountDownLatchDemo {static final int SIZE = 100;public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();// All must share a single CountDownLatch object:CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(SIZE);for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)exec.execute(new WaitingTask(latch));for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)exec.execute(new TaskPortion(latch));print("Launched all tasks");exec.shutdown(); // Quit when all tasks complete}
} /* (Execute to see output) *///:~