- 场景:通过ES Head 时候报错
- 解决办法:在ES Head 安装路径下找到Gruntfile.js文件,搜索“9100”,
然后在其上一行添加“hostname: '*',”#修改前部分内容 connect: {server: {options: {port: 9100,base: '.',keepalive: true}} }
#修改后部分内容 connect: {server: {options: {hostname: '*',port: 9100,base: '.',keepalive: true}} }
- 结果:问题解决,ES Head 启动成功
Warning: Task “server“ not found. Use --force to continue.Aborted due to warnings.
热度:34 发布时间:2023-11-07 12:16:36.0
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