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OGRE 学习之路(一) Compositor

热度:4   发布时间:2023-11-02 18:15:51.0


描述:A demo of Ogre’s post-processing framework




OGRE中Compositor的例子中列出了3页合成器的例子,实际上只要学会一个,流程怎么走就都通了,就挑选最感兴趣的heat Version来学习!也就是我们常说的热力图。







     然后手动创建一个名为Motion Blur的Compositor(一般是通过合成器脚本来创建的)。

     然后再创建一个名为Heat Vision的合成器,详细讲一下这个合成器的创建:




          4.再定义一个TargetPass,用于说明输出的纹理就是之前定义的temp,然后通过这个TargetPass创建一个pass,设置为全        屏纹理,然后定义监听的passID,设置材质名为Fury/HeatVision/LightToHeat,设置输入为先前定义的scene纹理。









material Fury/HeatVision/LightToHeat
{technique{// pass 1pass{cull_hardware nonecull_software nonedepth_func always_passvertex_program_ref Fury/HeatVision/LightToHeat_vp{}fragment_program_ref Fury/HeatVision/LightToHeat_fp{// these should be *really* random!param_named random_fractions float4 0.3 0.7 0 0param_named depth_modulator float4 0.6 0 0 0// this one can be fixedparam_named heatBiasScale float4 0.0 1.0 0 0}// INPUT (from scene, where entities has "Fury/HeatVision/Caster" material for heat emanation)texture_unit{tex_coord_set 0filtering linear linear nonetex_address_mode clamp}// Noise maptexture_unit{texture HeatNoise.tgatex_coord_set 0}// heat conversion texturetexture_unit{texture HeatLookup.tgatex_coord_set 0filtering point point none}}}}



vertex_program Fury/HeatVision/LightToHeat_Cg_vp cg
{source HeatVision.cgentry_point LightToHeat_vpprofiles vs_1_1 arbvp1default_params{param_named_auto flipping render_target_flipping}



fragment_program Fury/HeatVision/LightToHeat_Cg_fp cg
{source HeatVision.cgentry_point LightToHeat_fpprofiles ps_2_0 arbfp1


//				 CASTER PASS				//
//				    HEAT					//
//// vs_1_1
void HeatCaster_vp(// infloat4 vPos: POSITION,float4 vNormal: NORMAL,// outout float4 oPos: POSITION,out float2 oNDotV: TEXCOORD0,// parametersuniform float4x4 worldViewProj,uniform float3 eyePosition        // object space)
{float4 eyeDir = float4(eyePosition - vPos.xyz, 0);eyeDir = normalize(eyeDir);oPos   = mul( worldViewProj, vPos );oNDotV = clamp( dot( vNormal, eyeDir ), 0, 1 );
}// ps_2_0
float4 HeatCaster_fp(// input from vpfloat2 iNDotV: TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
{return iNDotV.x;
//				 CASTER PASS				//
//				    COLD					//
//// vs_1_1
void ColdCaster_vp(// infloat4 vPos: POSITION,float4 vNormal: NORMAL,// outout float4 oPos: POSITION,out float2 oNDotV: TEXCOORD0,// parametersuniform float4x4 worldViewProj,uniform float3 eyePosition        // object space)
{float4 eyeDir = float4(eyePosition - vPos.xyz, 0);eyeDir = normalize(eyeDir);oPos   = mul( worldViewProj, vPos );oNDotV = clamp( dot( vNormal, eyeDir ), 0, 1 );
}// ps_2_0
float4 ColdCaster_fp(// input from vpfloat2 iNDotV: TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
{return iNDotV.x / 2;
//	   PASS 1 - Light to heat conversion	//
//// vs_1_1
void LightToHeat_vp(// infloat4 inPos: POSITION,uniform float flipping,// outout float4 Pos: POSITION,out float2 uv0: TEXCOORD0)
{Pos = float4(inPos.x, flipping * inPos.y, 0.0f, 1.0f);inPos.xy = sign(inPos.xy);uv0  = (float2(inPos.x, -inPos.y) + 1.0f)/2.0f;
}// ps_2_0
void LightToHeat_fp(// input from vpfloat4 inDiffuse: COLOR0,float2 inUV0: TEXCOORD0,// outout float4 outColor: COLOR0,// paramsuniform float4 random_fractions,uniform float4 heatBiasScale,uniform float4 depth_modulator,uniform sampler2D Input,         // output of HeatVisionCaster_fp (NdotV)uniform sampler2D NoiseMap,uniform sampler2D HeatLookup)
{float  depth, heat, interference;//  Output constant color:depth = tex2D( Input, inUV0 );depth *= (depth * depth_modulator);heat  = (depth * heatBiasScale.y);//   if (depth > 0){interference = -0.5 + tex2D( NoiseMap, inUV0 + float2( random_fractions.x, random_fractions.y ) );interference *= interference;interference *= 1 - heat;heat += interference;//+ heatBiasScale.x;}/*heatBias isn't used for nowif (heat > 0)heat += heatBiasScale.x;
*/// Clamp UVsheat  = max( 0.005, min( 0.995, heat ) );outColor = tex2D( HeatLookup, float2( heat, 0.f ) );
// PASS 2 - add simple blur (final pass)	//
//// vs_1_1
void Blur_vp(// infloat4 inPos: POSITION,uniform float flipping,// outout float4 Pos: POSITION,out float2 uv0: TEXCOORD0)
{Pos = float4(inPos.x, flipping * inPos.y, 0.0f, 1.0f);inPos.xy = sign(inPos.xy);uv0  = (float2(inPos.x, -inPos.y) + 1.0f)/2.0f;
}// ps_2_0
void Blur_fp(// input from vpfloat4 inDiffuse: COLOR0,float2 inUV0: TEXCOORD0,// outout float4 outColor: COLOR0,// parametersuniform sampler2D Input,             // output of HeatVision_fp1 (HeatRenderTexture)uniform float4 blurAmount)
{int i;float4 tmpOutColor;float  diffuseGlowFactor;const float2 offsets[4] = {
/*// hazy blur-1.8, -1.8,-1.8, 1.8,1.8, -1.8,1.8, 1.8
/*// less-hazy blur-1.0,  2.0,-1.0, -1.0,1.0, -1.0,1.0,  1.0
/*-0.326212, -0.405805,-0.840144, -0.073580,-0.695914,  0.457137,-0.203345,  0.620716
*/-0.3,  0.4,-0.3, -0.4,0.3, -0.4,0.3,  0.4};tmpOutColor = tex2D( Input, inUV0 );	// UV coords are in image space// calculate glow amountdiffuseGlowFactor = 0.0113f * (2.0 - max( tmpOutColor.r, tmpOutColor.g ));// basic blur filterfor (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {tmpOutColor += tex2D( Input, inUV0 + blurAmount.x * diffuseGlowFactor * offsets[i] );}tmpOutColor *= 0.25;// TIPS (old-skool strikes again!)// Pay attention here! If you use the "out float4 outColor" directly// in your steps while creating the output color (like you remove// the "tmpOutColor" var and just use the "outColor" directly)// your pixel-color output IS CHANGING EACH TIME YOU DO AN ASSIGNMENT TOO!// A temporary variable, instead, acts like a per-pixel double buffer, and// best of all, lead to better performance.outColor = tmpOutColor;
