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OpenCV-Python官方文档中文翻译8:Mouse as a Paint-Brush鼠标作为画笔

热度:94   发布时间:2023-10-17 09:22:42.0

Mouse as a Paint-Brush


  • Learn to handle mouse events in OpenCV
  • You will learn these functions : cv.setMouseCallback()
  • 学习如何在OpenCV中处理鼠标事件
  • 你将学习这些函数: cv.setMouseCallback()

Simple Demo

Here, we create a simple application which draws a circle on an image wherever we double-click on it.

First we create a mouse callback function which is executed when a mouse event take place. Mouse event can be anything related to mouse like left-button down, left-button up, left-button double-click etc. It gives us the coordinates (x,y) for every mouse event. With this event and location, we can do whatever we like. To list all available events available, run the following code in Python terminal:



import cv2 as cv
events = [i for i in dir(cv) if "EVENT" in i]

Creating mouse callback function has a specific format which is same everywhere. It differs only in what the function does. So our mouse callback function does one thing, it draws a circle where we double-click. So see the code below. Code is self-explanatory from comments :


import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
#mouse callback function
def draw_circle(event,x,y,flags,param);if event == cv.EVENT_LBUTTONBLCLK:CV.circle(img,(x,y),100,(255,0,0),-1)
#Create a black image,a window and bind the function to window
img = np.zeros((512,512,3),np.uint8)
while(1):cv.imshow("image",img)if cv.waitKey(20)&0xFF ==27;breakcv.destroyAllWindows()

More Advanced Demo

Now we go for a much better application. In this, we draw either rectangles or circles (depending on the mode we select) by dragging the mouse like we do in Paint application. So our mouse callback function has two parts, one to draw rectangle and other to draw the circles. This specific example will be really helpful in creating and understanding some interactive applications like object tracking, image segmentation etc.

现在我们寻找一个更好的应用。在这,我们靠拖拽鼠标来画矩形或者圆(取决于我们选择的模式),就像我们在绘画应用中一样。所以我们的鼠标回调函数有两部分,一部分画矩形,另一部分画圆圈。这个明确的应用将对创建和理解一些交互式应用非常有帮助,比如目标跟踪 ,图像分割等等。

import numpy as np
import cv2 as cvdrawing = False#true if mouse is pressed
mode = True #if True,draw rectangle.Press "m" to toggle to curve
ix,iy = -1,-1# mouse callback function
def draw_circle(event,x,y,flags,param):global ix,iy,drawing,modeif event == cv.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWM:drawing = Trueix,iy =x,yelif event == cv.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:if drawing == True:if mode == True:cv.rectangle(img,(ix,iy),(x,y),(0,0,255),-1)else:cv.circle(img,(x,y),5,(0,0,255),-1)elif event == cv.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:drawing == Falseif mode == True:cv.rectangle(img,(ix,iy),(x,y),(0,255,0),-1)else:cv.circle(img,(x,y),5,(0,0,255),-1)

Next we have to bind this mouse callback function to OpenCV window. In the main loop, we should set a keyboard binding for key ‘m’ to toggle between rectangle and circle.


img = np.zeros((512,512,3),np.uint8)
cv.setMouseCallback("image",draw_circle)while(1):cv.imshow("image",img)k = cv.waitKey(1)&0xFFif k == ord("m"):mode = not modeelif k == 27breakcv.destroyAllWindows()

Additional Resources


  1. In our last example, we drew filled rectangle. You modify the code to draw an unfilled rectangle.
