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PAT A1030

热度:16   发布时间:2023-10-14 07:26:16.0

1030 Travel Plan (30分)

A traveler’s map gives the distances between cities along the highways, together with the cost of each highway. Now you are supposed to write a program to help a traveler to decide the shortest path between his/her starting city and the destination. If such a shortest path is not unique, you are supposed to output the one with the minimum cost, which is guaranteed to be unique.

  • Input Specification:
    Each input file contains one test case. Each case starts with a line containing 4 positive integers N, M, S, and D, where N (≤500) is the number of cities (and hence the cities are numbered from 0 to N?1); M is the number of highways; S and D are the starting and the destination cities, respectively. Then M lines follow, each provides the information of a highway, in the format:

City1 City2 Distance Cost

where the numbers are all integers no more than 500, and are separated by a space.

  • Output Specification:
    For each test case, print in one line the cities along the shortest path from the starting point to the destination, followed by the total distance and the total cost of the path. The numbers must be separated by a space and there must be no extra space at the end of output.

  • Sample Input:

4 5 0 3
0 1 1 20
1 3 2 30
0 3 4 10
0 2 2 20
2 3 1 20
  • Sample Output:
0 2 3 3 40
  • 第一次解答:Dijkstra
using namespace std;#define MAXV 510
#define INF 1000000000int N,M,S,D;int G[MAXV][MAXV];
bool vis[MAXV] = {
    false};int cost[MAXV][MAXV];int d[MAXV];
int c[MAXV];int pre[MAXV];void Dijkstra(int s)//求出的是到达其他顶点的最短路径d[],最小花费cost[],到达其他顶点的路径pre[]
    int i;fill(d,d+MAXV,INF);fill(c,c+MAXV,INF); //Q:注意:这行代码是否需要 A:肯定是需要的,来更新c[]的值,不然更新不了(初始化的c[]都是0,不会再进行更新)for(i = 0;i<N;i++) pre[i] = i; d[s] = 0;c[s] = 0;for( i = 0;i<N;i++){
    int u = -1,MIN = INF;for(int j = 0;j<N;j++){
    if(vis[j] == false && d[j] < MIN){
    u = j;MIN = d[j];}}if(u == -1) return ;vis[u] = true;for(int v = 0;v<N;v++){
    if(vis[v] == false && G[u][v] != INF){
    if(d[v] > d[u] + G[u][v]){
    pre[v] = u;d[v] = d[u] + G[u][v];c[v] = c[u] + cost[u][v];}else if(d[v] == d[u] + G[u][v] && c[v] > c[u] + cost[u][v]){
    c[v] = c[u] + cost[u][v];pre[v] = u;}}}}
//A:既然知道了这条路径,那么就会知道最后的终点D,通过d[D]和c[D]来计算这条路径的权重和花费。void DFS(int s,int v)//既然使用递归,就要有一个元素保存当前的状态,就本题而言是当前要访问的节点(输出的时候就是v)
    if(v == s){
    printf("%d ",v);return ;}DFS(s,pre[v]);printf("%d ",v);
}int main()
    int i;//FILE *fp;//fp = fopen("data.txt","r");//fscanf(fp,"%d%d%d%d",&N,&M,&S,&D);scanf("%d%d%d%d",&N,&M,&S,&D);fill(G[0],G[0] + MAXV*MAXV,INF);//这行添加的原因是,在更新d[],c[],pre[]的时候需要判断是否有边相连//fill(cost[0],cost[0] + MAXV*MAXV,INF);//Q:是否需要添加 A:无需添加,因为有G[][]->cost[][]for(i = 0;i<M;i++){
    int u,v;//fscanf(fp,"%d%d",&u,&v);scanf("%d%d",&u,&v);//fscanf(fp,"%d%d",&G[u][v],&cost[u][v]);scanf("%d%d",&G[u][v],&cost[u][v]);G[v][u] = G[u][v];cost[v][u] = cost[u][v];}Dijkstra(S);DFS(S,D);printf("%d %d\n",d[D],c[D]);return 0;
  • Dijkstra的意义

  • 已知终点和起点如何求路径,以及这条路径上的weight和cost
    计算路径需要通过DFS(int s,int v);

  • fill(c,c+MAXV,INF);这行代码是肯定需要写的
    c[v] > c[u] + cost[u][v]一定不成立

  • fill(G[0],G[0] + MAXV*MAXV,INF)这行代码需要写,

  • fill(cost[0],cost[0] + MAXV*MAXV,INF);不需要编写
    使用cost[][]的地方,前提是G[][] != INF,保证了cost[][]一定存在。

  • pre[]数组是否需要初始化?或者说为什么要初始化。
    1.首先告诉你for(i = 0;i<N;i++) pre[i] = i;这行代码如果注释掉执行,在PAT中运行完全正确
    3.个人觉着这行代码,就运行的结果而言,写或者不写,答案是相同的。题目中编写的原因可能就是单纯的为了初始化。你要是自己画图分析一下也是这样的结果,因为DFS[]遍历的时候pre[v] == S,直接就到达递归边界了,不会再进行pre[S]递归。

  • 第二次解答:Dijkstra + DFS

using namespace std;const int MAX = 510;
const int INF = 1000000000;int N,M,S,D;int G[MAX][MAX];
bool vis[MAX] = {
    false};int cost[MAX][MAX];int d[MAX];vector<int> pre[MAX];
int minCost = INF;
vector<int> tempPath,path;void Dijkstra(int s)
    fill(d,d + MAX,INF);d[s]  = 0;for(int i = 0;i<N;i++){
    int u = -1,MIN = INF;for(int j = 0;j<N;j++){
    if(vis[j] == false && d[j] < MIN){
    u = j;MIN = d[j];}}if(u == -1) return ;vis[u] = true;for(int v = 0;v<N;v++){
    if(d[v] > d[u] + G[u][v]){
    d[v] = d[u] + G[u][v];pre[v].clear();pre[v].push_back(u);}else if(d[v] == d[u] + G[u][v]){
}void DFS(int s,int v)
    if(v == s){
    tempPath.push_back(v);int tempCost = 0;for(int i = tempPath.size() - 1;i>0;i--){
    int id = tempPath[i],idNext = tempPath[i-1];tempCost += cost[id][idNext];}if(tempCost < minCost){
    minCost = tempCost;path = tempPath;}tempPath.pop_back();return;}tempPath.push_back(v);for(int i = 0;i<pre[v].size();i++){
int main()
    int i,j;scanf("%d%d%d%d",&N,&M,&S,&D);fill(G[0],G[0] + MAX*MAX,INF);fill(cost[0],cost[0] + MAX*MAX,INF);//单纯的为了初始化for(i = 0;i<M;i++){
    int u,v;scanf("%d%d",&u,&v);scanf("%d%d",&G[u][v],&cost[u][v]);G[v][u] = G[u][v];cost[v][u] = cost[u][v];}Dijkstra(S);DFS(S,D);for(i = path.size() - 1;i>=0;i--){
    printf("%d ",path[i]);}printf("%d %d\n",d[D],minCost);return 0;