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caffe :commond layer(常用层)

热度:105   发布时间:2023-10-11 23:59:07.0

commond layer 下面分为三个分别是:

  • Inner Product - fully connected layer.
  • Dropout
  • Embed - for learning embeddings of one-hot encoded vector (takes index as input).
    1)inner product or fully connected layer
layer {name: "fc8"type: "InnerProduct"# learning rate and decay multipliers for the weightsparam { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 }# learning rate and decay multipliers for the biasesparam { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 }inner_product_param {num_output: 1000weight_filler {type: "gaussian"std: 0.01}bias_filler {type: "constant"value: 0}}bottom: "fc7"top: "fc8"


message InnerProductParameter {optional uint32 num_output = 1; // The number of outputs for the layeroptional bool bias_term = 2 [default = true]; // whether to have bias termsoptional FillerParameter weight_filler = 3; // The filler for the weightoptional FillerParameter bias_filler = 4; // The filler for the bias// The first axis to be lumped into a single inner product computation;// all preceding axes are retained in the output.// May be negative to index from the end (e.g., -1 for the last axis).optional int32 axis = 5 [default = 1];// Specify whether to transpose the weight matrix or not.// If transpose == true, any operations will be performed on the transpose// of the weight matrix. The weight matrix itself is not going to be transposed// but rather the transfer flag of operations will be toggled accordingly.optional bool transpose = 6 [default = false];


输入: n*c0*h*w

输出: n*c1*1*1


  • lr_mult: 学习率的系数,最终的学习率是这个数乘以solver.prototxt配置文件中的base_lr。如果有两个lr_mult, 则第一个表示权值的学习率,第二个表示偏置项的学习率。一般偏置项的学习率是权值学习率的两倍。


  • num_output: 过滤器(filfter)的个数


  • weight_filler: 权值初始化。 默认为“constant”,值全为0,很多时候我们用”xavier”算法来进行初始化,也可以设置为”gaussian”

  • bias_filler: 偏置项的初始化。一般设置为”constant”,值全为0。

  • bias_term: 是否开启偏置项,默认为true, 开启
    2) drop out layer

layer {name: "drop6"type: "Dropout"bottom: "fc6"top: "fc6"dropout_param {dropout_ratio: 0.5}


message DropoutParameter {optional float dropout_ratio = 1 [default = 0.5]; // dropout ratio

Dropout 是一种非常非常通用的解决深层神经网络中 overfitting 问题的方法, 过程极其简单, 在调试算法中效果也非常有效, 几乎是在设计网络过程中必用的技巧.Dropout 除了具有防止 overfitting 的作用之外, 还有 model ensemble 的作用.
我们考虑, 假设 σ=0.5, 如果 Forward 的次数足够多 (例如无穷次), 每次都有一半的连接被咔嚓掉, 在整个训练过程中, 被咔嚓掉的连接的组合是 2n, 那么, 留下的连接的组合种类也是 2n, 所以, 这就相当于我们训练了 2n 个模型, 然后 ensemble 起来.
其操作方法是, 首先设定一个 dropout ratio σ, σ 是超参数, 范围设置为 (0,1), 表示在 Forward 阶段需要随机断开的连接的比例. 每次 Forward 的时候都要随机的断开该比例的连接, 只更新剩下的 weight. 最后, 在 test/predict 的时候, 使用全部的连接, 不过, 这些 weights 全部都需要乘上 1?σ

3)Embed Layer


layer {name: "embed1000_to_100"type: "Embed"bottom: "compact_one_hot_dim1000"top: "embed1000_to_100"embed_param {num_output: 100 # output dimensioninput_dim: 1000}


message EmbedParameter {optional uint32 num_output = 1; // The number of outputs for the layer// The input is given as integers to be interpreted as one-hot// vector indices with dimension num_input. Hence num_input should be// 1 greater than the maximum possible input value.optional uint32 input_dim = 2;optional bool bias_term = 3 [default = true]; // Whether to use a bias termoptional FillerParameter weight_filler = 4; // The filler for the weightoptional FillerParameter bias_filler = 5; // The filler for the bias}

