#!/bin/bashuser=`whoami`echo -e "================ 正在关闭 102 103 104 集群 ===========\n"
for((host=104; host>=102; host--)); doecho -e "\n---$user@hadoop$host---"ssh $user@hadoop$host 'sudo shutdown now'
热度:70 发布时间:2023-09-14 21:28:58.0
- 急救! java socket流的关闭有关问题 close shutdown
- shutdown immediate关不了oracle解决方法
- ~ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress
- VF中On ShutDown do OnShutdown是什么意思解决方案
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- ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress,该如何解决
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- ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress,该怎么解决
- ORA-01033 ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress解决思路
- shutdown normal跟shutdown transactional区别
- ORA-01033 ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress异常
- oracle initialization or shutdown in progress有关问题解决步骤
- oracle不能打开,出现异常:oracle initialization or shutdown in progress
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- ORA-01033 : ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress解决方案
- 聊聊Java中的关闭钩子(shutdown hook)
- 黑猴子的家:shutdown.sh
- spring boot 项目启动失败,异常信息:Unregistering JMX-exposed beans on shutdown
- ORA-01003:ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress
- Oracle 用 shutdown immediate 关闭后重新启动的方法